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Newtron tips
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Newtron tips - 1

D00601 – V9 – 02/2017 - Copyright © 2014 SATELEC – All rights reserved. No information or part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of ACTEON. I AM CARING DENTAL teeth TIPS Preserve To visualize our Youtube channel: SATELEC® S.A.S A Company of ACTEON® Group 17 av. Gustave Eiffel BP 30216 33708 MERIGNAC cedex FRANCE Tel + 33 (0) 556 340 607 Fax + 33 (0) 556 349 292 E-mail: www.acteongroup

Newtron tips - 2

Tips are our expertise Since ACTEON® EQUIPMENT developed the first ever piezoelectric scaler for dentistry, 45 years ago, we have constantly innovated in new electronics and ultrasonic tips. With continuous R&D investments, and partnership with clinicians, universities and dental experts worldwide, we have been able to develop a unique, world-renowned expertise, which is marketed in more than 135 countries. Our goal is to provide clinical and technical innovations that meet dentists’ and dental hygienists’ requirements, as well as clinical applications and patients expectations evolution....

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Daily prevention and treatment

Newtron tips - 4

Versatile, gentle hygiene treatment First step supra-gingival scaling Voluminous calculus Recommended for simple cases: gross supra-gingival scaling. Indicated for the removal of significant supra-gingival deposits. Apply the flat part to the tooth surfaces. Developed for supraand sub-gingival scaling. Its more active lateral edges make it suitable for scaling the interproximal spaces. With its flat active part, it is particularly suitable for the interproximal spaces and supra-gingival scaling. Its anatomical shape allow fast and efficient procedure. e surface. ientation to th T -...

Newtron tips - 5

Minimal excavation and micro-abrasion Shallow pockets Fine round instrument suitable for scaling pockets less than 2-3mm deep. Recommended for scaling medium pockets (< 4mm). Removal of biofilm and soft deposits, while evaluating the depth of the pockets using the marks every 3mm. Sub-gingival scaling and probing Mesial ½ ball diamond-coated tip 76μm • Preparation of the occlusal surface and cervical margins. • Removal of hyper-mineralised dental structure. Preparation of the mesial surface without lesions on the adjacent tooth surface. aintenance ficient for m This tip is ef good dental...

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Gentle, non-surgical periodontal treatments

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Initial periodontics, anterior sector Ideal instrument for initial treatment, it makes treatment of the incisor-canine block possible. The guide edge is oriented parallel to the pocket. d in to th e is de sc en de ry Th e H 3 ti p out risk of inju cket with periodontal po tion will lift t. The cavita to the ligamen bris out. the de Biofilm disruption Periodontics for the premolar and molar sectors, left-oriented First instrument in the sequence for treating all the surfaces and the furcations. • Maxillary: buccal and distal surfaces of sector 2, pivots at 13, then the buccal and mesial...

Newtron tips - 8

Periodontal maintenance Anterior tooth root planing, diamond-coated tip 30 μm Root planing of the premolar and molar sectors, left-oriented, diamond-coated tip 30 μm • iamond-coated mini-tip recommended D for simple cases in the cervical area. • lso effective for the withdrawal of A granulation tissue. Diamond-coated micro-probe recommended for the treatment of furcations and narrow spaces. w ith ou t ou ld be us ed l Th e H1 tip sh th e ep ith el ia d ab ov e pr es su re an rasive. cause it is ab attachment be Root planing Debridement of the premolar and molar sectors, left-oriented...

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IMPLANT CARE Implant prevention and treatment

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Treatment of peri-implantitis and maintenance Hygiene of anterior sector Hygiene of premolar and molar sectors, left-oriented Plastic micro-tip with universal curette shape for the treatment of the incisor/canine groups. • emoval of the biofilm and low adherence R deposits without scratching the prosthetic surfaces. • olishing the sulcus or grooves of natural P teeth. Plastic micro-tip with 13-14 curette shape for the removal of biofilm and low adherence deposits for the treatment of the posterior groups. • aintenance for the screws and abutment M of the implant. • caling of prosthesis. S...

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Canal irrigation Canal access preparation Micro-blade tip length 12mm, taper 6% Micro-blade tip, length 9mm, taper 5% The CAP1 tip is used with the active lateral part for: • Finishing walls and polishing. • emoving temporary cement and dentinal R residues. • Removing dentin overhangs. The CAP2 tip has active lateral part and extremity and is used by sweeping method to remove dentine bridges. • ocation of the MB2 (2nd mesiobuccal canal) L and search for hidden canals. • Preparation of the pulp chamber. • emoval of the dentine layer which may hide R the access to the MB2 canal. tive end to...

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Retreatment tip, length 20mm, taper 6% Diamond-coated retreatment tip, 30 μm, length 20mm, taper 5% The ET20 steel tip is used in the 1st coronal third: • xtraction of filling material, silver points, E broken instruments. • Removal of debris and the smear layer. The ET20D tip in diamond-coated steel is used in the 1st coronal third to remove very hard materials by brushing the walls. Long retreatment tip, 40mm, taper 4% The ET40 is a steel tip for rapid removal of broken instruments in the middle third of wide, straight canals. Canal Retreatment Long retreatment tip, 40mm, diamond-coated...

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Diamond-coated universal tip 30μm, length 3mm, taper 9% The AS3D tip is intended for apical surgery of anterior teeth. It should be used without pressure, at the lowest possible effective power. Diamond-coated tip 30μm, length 9mm, taper 8% The AS9D tip is for complex cases and allows preparation of the root canal up to the coronal third. The diamond coating of the AS9D is only present on the extremity of the instrument not to over-prepare the canal. introduced should first be e root The AS9D tip oriented in th l and into the cana to prevent the ing activated axis before be route". tion of...


ACTEON GROUPのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

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  2. X-mind prime 3D

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  3. Cameras

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  4. Sopix Series

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  5. PSPIX

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  6. X-mind Unity

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  7. Imaging catalogue

    22 ページ

  8. X-mind trium

    14 ページ

  9. MiniLed

    4 ページ

  10. Newtron range

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  11. OEM

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  12. AirMax

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  1. Prosthetics

    4 ページ

  2. Periodontics

    4 ページ

  3. Endodontics

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