
SINGLE CASSETTE CEILING LIFT SYSTEM FOR PLUS-SIZE PATIENTS Our complete range of Maxi Sky ceiling lifts is designed to integrate with your care environment, helping to ensure a comfortable and dignified experience for everyone involved. The Arjo ceiling lifts allow caregivers to transfer patients or residents without manual lifting, thereby helping to reduce the risk of injury for themselves and the person in their care. ARJO MOBILITY GALLERY D. Unable to bear weight through feet. Is able to sit if well supported. E. Difficulty maintaining sitting, hence might remain lying/partially lying in bed, and may only sit in a special supportive chair. Please contact Arjo for further information. • Designed with plus-size patients and residents in mind Patients of larger stature have the right to be treated with comfort and dignity. Maxi Sky 1000 makes it possible to deliver this for nonambulatory plus-size patients. • Simple for the caregivers A single cassette unit with a specially designed bariatric spreader bar which simplifies operation by the caregiver giving the capability to handle a range of passive lifting and repositioning situations. • Flexibility to meet your care setting needs The different body shapes of plus-size patients require bariatric sling solutions. Arjo has developed a range of sling types in four sizes to suit these various needs. Compatible with our standard ceiling lifter accessories, the Maxi Sky 1000 can be used across your full range of patient t
PRODUCT INFORMATION Power indicator on charging module 100-240 Vac/50-60 Hz/24 VA Battery charger safety protection Class 2, insulated Charge anywhere once handset is released, or Dedication Charing solution, with RTC option Charging option are available (ECS & CSAT) Clip on charger anywhere on the track Safety Features Electrical up and down emergency buttons Located on the motor cab Emergency stopping device (pull cord) accessible from the ground Stop all electric functions Manual emergency lowering device Accessible from the motor cab Ready state (green) Indicator lights Charging state...
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