Automatic Changeover Manifold
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Automatic Changeover Manifold - 1

Automatic Changeover Manifold Single/Double Oxygen Tank Liquid Manifold Control System (SOT LMCS / DOT LMCS) SPECIFICATION Manifold Control Panels This flow rate is achieved with only one regulator on line. The BeaconMedæs LMCS (Liquid Manifold Control System) shall conform to NHS Health Technical Memorandum Nos. 2022 (HTM2022) and 02-01 (HTM02-01). The manifold control system shall provide an uninterrupted supply of medical oxygen gas at 410 kPa (4.1 bar gauge) pressure. Two arrangements of control panel shall be available. Either a Single Oxygen Tank (SOT) LMCS, including an integrated modular manifold assembly for high pressure cylinder banks (secondary source) or a Dual Oxygen Tank (DOT) LMCS where two bulk liquid tanks shall be installed, one as the primary source of supply and one as a secondary source of supply. There are pressure gauges for each tank and the line pressure, to give a visual indication of the status of the system. The panel has connection points for a remote alarm and BMS system. Above the pressure gauges is the system condition panel, which incorporates indicators to show: Indicator Alarm Condition (b) Green (c) Green (d) Yellow “Normal” Running” Duty & Standby Tank Empty” Duty & Standby Tank “Re-fill Liquid” “Re-fill Immediate” The entire system shall be ‘duplexed’ such that any single functional component failure will not affect the integrity of the medical gas supply. The manifold shall be supplied fully assembled and tested. Pipeline “High Pressure” Re-fill Liquid (Duty tank @25%) Re-fill immediate (Duty tank empty) Reserve low (Standby tank @ 50%) Pressure fault Pressure fault The power source shall be mains operated using 110V-230V, 50/60Hz, alternating current 3.0 amps. Control panels are installed within weather proof enclosure and shall be suitable for outdoor application. A powder coated steel support frame and legs shall be included to allow for free standing positioning if required. SOT LMCS Design The BeaconMedæs Single Oxygen Tank LMCS (Liquid Manifold Control System) shall supply Oxygen medical gas from a Liquid Tank through an inlet in the intermediate pressure zone through 2nd stage regulators to the hospital pipeline distribution system. The SOT will also automatically supply Oxygen from high-pressure cylinders from both left and right hand manifold banks in turn should the Liquid supply fail. The Manifold Control System shall supply a flow of 1800 L/min. to a 400 kPa (4 bar) distribution system from the liquid tank, and a flow of 1000 L/min. to a 400 kPa (4 bar) distribution system from the cylinder banks. These flow rates are achieved with only one second stage regulator on line. There are pressure gauges for each bank and the line pressure, to give a visual indication of the status of the system. The panel has connection points for a remote alarm and BMS system. Above the pressure gauges is the system condition panel, which incorporates indicators to show: - DOT LMCS Design The BeaconMedæs Low Flow Dual Oxygen Tank LMCS (Liquid Manifold Control System) shall supply Oxygen medical gas from a Liquid Tank through a duplex set of regulators to the pipeline. The LMCS will also automatically supply Oxygen from a reserve liquid Oxygen tank should the duty liquid tank supply fail or run empty. The LMCS is designed to operate outdoors in its enclosure at temperatures of –33ºC to +55ºC, its operation and performance criteria shall also fully satisfy the requirements of HTM02-01, HTM2022/C11 and it is CE marked. All polymers and elastomers in the gas flow that can be subjected to working pressure greater than 3000 kPa shall be halogen-free. The use of PTFE, PCTFE, Viton and other halogenated polymers in these applications is strictly prohibited. Non-return valves fitted to header manifolds shall have a metallic seat with ceramic ball. Soft seat non-return valves utilising polymers or elastomers are not acceptable. Modular Header Manifolds Modular header manifolds shall provide connection points for flexible cupronickel tailpipes. They shall be available in ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ configurations, with either single or double cylinder connection points. ‘Primary’ headers shall connect directly to the manifold control system with extensions for additional cylinders being provided by the addition of ‘secondary’ headers. Non-return valves shall be fitted to each tailpipe connection point to protect the system in the event of a tailpipe fracture. Standard Options • A steel framed free standing kit shall be available for installation of modular manifold headers where no solid wall construction is available. • Corner connectors shall be available to enable installation of manifold headers around corners of the manifold room. A custom length corner connector shall also be available to enable header manifolds to be installed in a ‘U’ configuration across 3 adjacent walls of a manifold room. CE Marking The LMCS is DOT, DOT HF & SOT are CE marked with approval from a notified body (more detailed information available on request). The low flow DOT Liquid Manifold Control System is capable of supplying a flow of 1800 L/min. to a 400 kPa (4 bar) distribution system from suitably sized liquid tank and vaporiser equipment. This flow rate is achieved with only one regulator on line. The high flow DOT Liquid Manifold Control System is capable of supplying a flow of 3500 L/min (with duplex regulators installed, 1 online and 1 standby), or 5000 L/min (with triplex regulators installed, 2 online and 1 standby), to a 400 kPa (4 bar) distribution system from suitably sized liquid tank and vaporiser equipment. BeaconMedaes Limited • Greaves Close • Markham Vale • Chesterfield • S44 5FB • UK • Phone +44 (0) 1246 474 242 • www.beaconmed

Automatic Changeover Manifold - 2

SOT LMCS Installation Proposal - 2x5 and 2x10 SOT LMCS Schematic Diagram 2B�� BeaconMedaes Limited • Greaves Close • Markham Vale • Chesterfield • S44 5FB



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