
Information-Update Addendum DxH 500 Series Hematology Analyzers Published Version: v2 PN C80670AA June 2022 Manufactured by Beckman Coulter Ireland Inc. Lismeehan O’Callaghan’s Mills Co. Clare, Ireland 353-65-683-110
DxH 500 Series Hematology Analyzers Information-Update Addendum PN C80670AA (June 2022) Beckman Coulter, the stylized logo, and the Beckman Coulter product and service marks mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, products, or services are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. May be covered by one or more pat. - see www.beckmancoulter.com/patents Find us on the World Wide Web at: www.beckmancoulter.com Symbols Glossary is available at...
Revision History This document applies to the latest software listed and higher versions. When a subsequent software version affects the information in this document, a new issue will be released to the Beckman Coulter Web site. For labeling updates, go to www.beckmancoulter.com/techdocs and download the latest version of the manual or system help for your instrument. Initial Issue AA, June 2022 Software version 2.7
Revision History
Safety Notice Read all product manuals and consult with Beckman Coulter-trained personnel before attempting to operate instrument. Do not attempt to perform any procedure before carefully reading all instructions. Always follow product labeling and manufacturer’s recommendations. If in doubt as to how to proceed in any situation, contact your Beckman Coulter Representative. Beckman Coulter, Inc. urges its customers to comply with all national health and safety standards such as the use of barrier protection. This may include, but is not limited to, protective eyewear, gloves, and suitable...
Safety Notice Safety Precautions Safety Precautions WARNING Risk of operator injury and/or biohazardous contamination if: • All doors, covers and panels are not closed and secured in place prior to and during instrument operation. • The integrity of safety interlocks and sensors is compromised. • Instrument alarms and error messages are not acknowledged and acted upon. • You contact moving parts. • You mishandle broken parts. • Doors, covers and panels are not opened, closed, removed and/or replaced with care. • Improper tools are used for troubleshooting. To avoid injury: • Keep doors,...
Safety Notice Safety Symbols product. If you purchased this product from a third party and would like further information concerning this topic, call your Beckman Coulter Representative. Safety Symbols Symbol Use universal precautions when working with pathogenic materials. Means must be available to decontaminate the instrument and to dispose of biohazardous waste. See Alerts for Warning, Caution, Important, and Note for more information. Hot surfaces in this area. Avoid contact with any surface in this area until you are sure that it has cooled down first. Pinch Point Warning Condition...
Safety Notice Safety Symbols
Revision History, iii Safety Notice, v Notice to User, v Alerts for Warning, Caution, Important, and Note, v Safety Precautions, vi Safety Symbols, vii Introduction, xix What Documents Are Affected, xix About This Addendum, xix Conventions, xix Graphics, xx Updates to the DxH 500 Instructions for Use, 1-1 Overview, 1-1 Safety Notice, 1-1 Description of Change, 1-1 Location of Change, 1-1 New/Updated Information, 1-1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 1-1 Keyboard, 1-2 Description of Change, 1-2 Location of Change, 1-2 New/Updated Information, 1-3 Aspiration, 1-3 Description of Change, 1-3...
Logging On/Logging Off, 1-4 Identifying Patient Samples, 1-7 Description of Change, 1-7 Location of Change, 1-7 New/Updated Information, 1-7 Running Whole-Blood Samples, 1-10 Description of Change, 1-10 Location of Change, 1-10 New/Updated Information, 1-10 Running Whole-Blood Samples, 1-10 Running Prediluted-Blood Samples, 1-13 Description of Change, 1-13 Location of Change, 1-13 New/Updated Information, 1-13 Running Prediluted-Blood Samples, 1-13 Messages Displayed, 1-17 Description of Change, 1-17 Location of Change, 1-17 New/Updated Information, 1-17 Messages, 1-17 Description of...
Setting Up Auto Logout, 1-22 Setting Up Next Specimen, 1-23 Description of Change, 1-23 Location of Change, 1-23 New/Updated Information, 1-24 Setting Up Next Specimen, 1-24 Setting Up LIS, 1-24 Description of Change, 1-24 Location of Change, 1-24 New/Updated Information, 1-24 Setting Up LIS, 1-24 Updating the Printer Driver, 1-25 Description of Change, 1-25 Location of Change, 1-26 New/Updated Information, 1-26 Updating the Printer Driver, 1-26 Setting Up and Editing Controls, 1-26 Description of Change, 1-26 Location of Change, 1-26 New/Updated Information, 1-26 Setting Up and Editing...
Reports, 1-33 Description of Change, 1-33 Location of Change, 1-33 New/Updated Information, 1-33 Bar-Code Label Specifications, 1-35 Description of Change, 1-35 Location of Change, 1-35 New/Updated Information, 1-36 Updates to the DxH 520 Instructions for Use, 2-1 Overview, 2-1 Safety Notice, 2-1 Description of Change, 2-1 Location of Change, 2-1 New/Updated Information, 2-1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 2-1 Keyboard, 2-2 Description of Change, 2-2 Location of Change, 2-2 New/Updated Information, 2-3 Aspiration, 2-3 Description of Change, 2-3 Location of Change, 2-3 New/Updated...
New/Updated Information, 2-14 Running Whole-Blood Samples in Open-Vial Mode, 2-14 Running Prediluted-Blood Samples, 2-17 Description of Change, 2-17 Location of Change, 2-17 New/Updated Information, 2-17 Running Prediluted-Blood Samples, 2-17 Messages Displayed, 2-21 Description of Change, 2-21 Location of Change, 2-21 New/Updated Information, 2-21 Messages, 2-21 Description of Change, 2-21 Location of Change, 2-21 New/Updated Information, 2-22 Definitive Messages, 2-22 Description of Change, 2-22 Location of Change, 2-22 New/Updated Information, 2-22 Performing a Shutdown, 2-22 Description...
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DxH 560
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