
Scan for Technical Files Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators
Roche Integra 400 Plus Abx MicrosSwelabMindray Hematology Analyzers Verification, Validation, Standardization and Release QC Laboratory of BeinQuality
Monitor HbAlc Tests With Quality Controls and Calibrators From BeinQuality For Optimum Analytical Performance HbAlc controls and calibrators for automated and semi-automated analyzers. Highly purified, stabilized, amadori applied and matrix effect minimized HbAlc controls and calibrators are dedicated-targeted to: • Immunoturbidimetric test methods or enzymatic test methods on biochemistry auto analyzers and semi-automated analyzers (photometers), • HPLC based HbAlc analysis, electrophoresis based HbAlc analyzers, • POCT based HbAlc analyzers as specified in the enclosed value sheets....
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators Monitor Specific Protein Tests With Quality Controls and Calibrators From BeinQuality For Optimum Analytical Performance Specific protein control and calibrator are for control and calibration; Quantitative immunoturbidimetric method automated or semi-automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Quantitative nephelometric method automated or semi-automated nephelometry analyzers. Quantitative immunoturbidimetric/nephelometric method POCT Analyzers. Lyophilized Specific Protein Calibrator Ref No: L-1:B1024S,L-2:1025S Package:...
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators Monitor ASO Tests With Quality Controls and Calibrators From BeinQuality For Optimum Analytical Performance Anti strepto lysin-O (ASO) control and calibrator are for control and calibration; Quantitative immunoturbidimetric method automated or semi-automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Quantitative nephelometric method automated or semi-automated nephelometry analyzers. Quantitative immunoturbidimetric/nephelometric method POCT analyzers. Lyophilized ASO Calibrator Ref No: B1020A Package: 5x1 mL Lyophilized Calibrator...
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators Monitor RF Tests With Quality Controls and Calibrators From BeinQuality For Optimum Analytical Performance Rheumatoid Factor (RF) Control and calibrator are for control and calibration; Quantitative immunoturbidimetric method automated or semi-automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Quantitative nephelometric method automated or semi-automated nephelometry analyzers. Quantitative immunoturbidimetric/nephelometric method POCT Analyzers. Lyophilized RF Calibrator Ref No: B1021R Package: 5x2 mL Lyophilized Calibrator...
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators Monitor Lipid Tests With BeinQuality Calibrators For Optimum Analytical Performance Lipid (HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglyceride, Cholesterol) control and calibrator are for control and calibration; Quantitative colorimetric direct/indirect (precipitation) method automated or semi-automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Quantitative method POCT analyzers. Lyophilized HDL-LDL Calibrator (HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglyceride, Cholesterol) Ref No: B1014H Package: 5x1 mL Lyophilized Calibrator available in 1...
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators Monitor CK-MB Tests With Quality Controls and Calibrators From BeinQuality For Optimum Analytical Performance Creatinine Kinase MB/MM (CK-MB Test, CK-NAC Test, CK Total Test) control and calibrator are for control and calibration; Quantitative enzyme activity detection method automated or semi-automated clinical chemistry analyzers. Lyophilized CK-MB Calibrator Ref No: B1011C Package: 5x2 mL Lyophilized Calibrator available in 1 level Extensive value assignment list Human whole blood based Reconstitution Volume: 2 mL 18...
TOFFLON LYOPHILIZER ► Lyophilization Capacity ► Production Capacity Per Batch
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators Automatic Vial Filling and Capping Machine Filling, Stoppering and Capping speed 2500 Vial
PRODUCT NAME Albumin Calibrator Albumin Calibrator BeinCal Auto Calibrator BeinCal Auto Calibrator BeinCon P (Chemistry Multicontrol Level-2) Calcium Calibrator Calcium Calibrator Cholesterol Calibrator Cholesterol Calibrator CK-MB Calibrator Creatinine Calibrator CRP Control Level-1 CRP Control Level-2 CRP Turbi Wr Calibrator (4 levels) CRP Turbi Wr Calibrator (5 levels) D-dimer Calibrator Level 1&2 D-dimer Control Level 1&2 Ethanol Calibrator Ethanol Control Level-1 Ethanol Control Level-2 FerritinCalibrator(-350 IU/mL) Glucose Calibrator Glucose Calibrator Glucose Calibrator Lipid...
www.beinquality.com.tr Expert Manufacturer of Controls & Calibrators PRODUCT NAME IgE Control Level-2 Liquid IgE Control Set Lyophilized Iron-Magnesium Calibrator Iron-Magnesium Calibrator Iron-Magnesium Calibrator Lipase Calibrator Level-1 Lipase Calibrator Level-2 Microalbumin Calibrator Microalbumin Control Level-1 Microalbumin Control Level-2 Microprotein Calibrator Microprotein Control Level-1 Microprotein Control Level-2 Phosphorus Calibrator Phosphorus Calibrator Procalcitonin Calibrator Level1-5 Procalcitonin Control (Level1&2) Protein Calibrator Protein Calibrator Protein Control...
Preperation and production area
Beinquality Saglik San. ve Tic. A.§. Mahmutbey Mah. Halkali Cad. No:124/31 Bagcilar/istanbul-TURKEY