CO monitors
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Helping people to stop smoking, one breath at a time

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What is carbon monoxide (CO)? CO is a poisonous gas that you cannot smell or see. It is formed by combustion and is produced in car exhaust fumes, faulty gas boilers and tobacco smoke. • When you inhale smoke from a cigarette, CO is absorbed into your blood through the lungs. • Oxygen is carried around the body by red blood cells. • CO binds with haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form carboxyhaemoglobin. (COHb), preventing red blood cells from carrying oxygen. • CO binds with haemoglobin 200 times more readily than oxygen. • A very heavy smoker may have 10% of their blood cells taken up...

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Why monitor CO? CO testing is a quick, non-invasive and cost-effective means of validating the smoking status of a significant number of clients2. Smoking is the single greatest avoidable risk factor for cancer. In the UK, it is the cause of over a quarter (29%) of all deaths from cancer and has killed an estimated six million people over the last 50 years3. Smoking can be attributed to 90% of all deaths from lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, showing that if everyone quit the habit, these types of death could be almost completely eradicated4. Carbon monoxide monitors offer...

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Color touch screen Quick and easy use, with visual prompts for patients during each test to ensure correct results every time Automatic conversion to %FCOHb at your fingertips Ideal for research/clinical trials and for ABS body for secure grip and easy cleaning, allowing optimal infection control in every test in-depth stop smoking advice delivered at: • Stop smoking services • Specialist clinics • Smoking in pregnancy services • General practice • Schools • Pharmacies • Wellness & Substance Abuse

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Features and Benefits • Instant results shown in exact ppm, %COHb and %FCOHb make recording and interpreting patient’s results quick and easy • Automatic calibration and D-piece renewal reminders to prolong the life of your monitor, ensure accurate readings, and increase infection control • ABS body for secure grip and easy cleaning, allowing optimal infection control in every test • Familiar green, amber and red traffic light system, making CO levels instantly identifiable to patients • Adult and adolescent profiles to ensure maximum motivation to stop smoking • Uses D-pieces to filter out...

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•COdata+ is for use with the piCO+ and the Micro+ smokerlyzer. It is a breath carbon monoxide (CO) monitoring software with a fully integrated patient database. •The user friendly environment will enable any clinician to keep up-to-date records on patients who have given breath carbon monoxide samples. •COdata+ is supplied on CD and once installed can be connected to your monitor using a USB cable. •COdata+ also allows you to print reports, save pdf reports, email results, and export to Microsoft Excel.

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NEW SteriBreathTM Mouthpieces: SteriBreath™ mouthpieces are the most cost effective and compact mouthpieces. They are Individually sealed for optimum infection control. in tube confirms accurate breath sample. Order code: STERIBREATH-MP (250 per box) D-PieceTM: A D-piece is used to attach Flatpak™ mouthpieces or SteriBreath™ to the monitor. The D-piece incorporates a one-way valve and an infection control filter, which are proven to remove and trap >99.9% of airborne bacteria1. The D-piece should be changed every four weeks, or more often if visibly soiled. An automatic reminder will appear...

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coVita tools for treatment professionals Contact coVita to learn more about our Smokerlyzer® range of monitors and accessories. Tel: (800) 707-5751 Email: coVita 30 Washington Ave. Suite D Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Tel: (800) 707-5751 Fax: (800) 721-2377 Email: © Bedfont Scientific Limited 2012 Issue 11- March 2014, Part No: MKT261I Bedfont Scientific Limited reserves the right to change or update this literature without prior notice. Registered in: England and Wales. Registered No: 1289798



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