
Smart Medical Group Wireless Urodynamics Urine Flowmeter FULLY AUTOMATIC STUDY MEMORY PRIVACY & CONTROL
Smart Medical Group Privacy SmartFlow is a portable self-contained wireless urine flowmeter, used to record uroflowmetry studies - male, female, adult & paediatric, for diagnosis of urinary flow disorders. The wireless design allows greater patient privacy, to ensure quality recordings. The wireless flowscale may be positioned up to 30 metres away, depending on the environment. Hygienic - easy to clean flow sensor, collection jug & funnel, replaceable transparent flow sensor cover. No moving parts - highly accurate weight sensor technology, reliable & robust. Real time study monitoring...
XX Smart Medical Group PC link to software with patient database, analysis and reporting possibilities, including: Liverpool, Siroky and Paediatric Nomograms. Software fully compatible with Albyn Medical full urodynamics software (Phoenix Plus, SmartDyn & Hermes). USB PC connection. Configurable report (MS Word). Patient database (SQL Server). Easy and Accurate SmartFlow has been designed to be a user friendly device, automatically detecting the start of the uroflow, and printing the results automatically. Example printed report - fast thermal print, on 80mm wide thermal paper, including...
Over 25 years experience in the design and manufacture of Urodynamics equipment has resulted in the most innovative and advanced systems available today. SmartFlow urine flowmeter (wireless) SmartFlow urine flowmeter (fibre-optic) Micturition chair Micturition stand Smartflow carry case Smartflow paper (pk/5) Collection jug (2litre) Flowscale plastic covers (pk/5) Distributed bv Albyn Medical Ltd. Bridgend Road industrial Estate, Dingwall, Ross-shire, IV15 9QF - Scotland Tel. +44 1349 862388 Fax. + 44 1349 864146 email: sales®albynmedical.
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