
Meeting and Exceeding the Need* of Veterinary Dentistry since 1988 Cocoon Spray One seconds scaling = 10 meters' scraping. Imagine doing that by hand! Periodontal diseases are the most frequent disorders found in pets, as a result of the build up of bacterial plaque and the presence of calculus when no hygiene programme is implemented (BSAVA and The Journal of Veterinary Calculus affects 80% of dogs and 70% of cats over three years old (American Association of Veterinary Dentistry). 2. Bleeding and inflammation of the gums 4. Loose or lost teeth. A regular (annual) visit, including an examination, an exploration and a scaling operation in the veterinary practice, is essential to maintain pets in good The eic I us tve technology of Satelec* contained in the Suprasson' piezoelectric module, makes it possible: • to ensure the complete elimination of calculus deposits; ■ to ensure the curettage of pockets <5mrrs • to eliminate bacterial plaque: • to work in more ergonomlc. and less tiring, conditions. The Cocoon Spray ultrasonic module, equipped with the piezoelectric technology developed by Satelec is your guarantee of: • Rapidity: the mechanical elimination of deposits Is assisted by cavitation: Optimal control of the instrument: contrary to Its ultrasonic competitors. the module generates perfectly-controlled, linear vibrations: • Power the self-regulated frequency from 27 to 12KHz and the automatically-controlled power (feedback effet) gives the Cocoon Spray much greater power than pneumatic scalers: ■ Ability to upgrade: Satelec provides you with probably the widest choice of ultrasonic tips on the market. Cocoon Spray
Meeting and Exceeding the Needs of Veterinary Dentistry since 1988 Cocoon Spray brings you the highest performance compact equipment in veterinary dentistry PERFORMANCE : 40,000 RPM = a well prepared cavity! Restorative and operative dentistry requires the use of rotary instruments, where the burs of the handpieces and the contra-angles enable preparation of dental cavities without injuring the neighbouring tissues. Preservation of proper oral hygiene is essential. Preservation and maintenance of the dental function play a vital role in maintaining the general health of our pets. Moreover,...
Catalog 2015
56 ページ
ElectroSurgery Unit
1 ページ
Cocoon Flyer
2 ページ