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LP-PLA2 - 1

Lp-PLA 2 Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A 2 Emerging Biomarker in Atherosclerotic Risk Assessment Determination of Enzyme Activity DiaSys Diagnostic Systems • Liquid-stable, ready-to-use reagents • Excellent precision • No interference by hemolytic, icteric and lipemic samples • Adaptable on any clinical chemistry analyzer CHOOSING QUALITY.

LP-PLA2 - 2

Clinical Relevance Lp-PLA2 – also known as platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) – is a vascular-specific inflammatory enzyme, predominantly expressed by macrophages, lymphocytes and foam cells in atherosclerotic plaques. Circulating Lp-PLA2 is mainly associated with apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, hence closely associated with low-density lipoprotein (LDL). The enzyme hydrolyzes oxidized phospholipids on LDL particles within the arterial intima, generating highly inflammatory mediators, lysophosphatidylcholine (Lyso-PC) and oxidized non-esterified fatty acids...

LP-PLA2 - 3

Features and Benefits • Enzymatic test determining the activity of Lp-PLA2 • Liquid-stable, ready-to-use reagent • Adaptable on any clinical chemistry analyzer • For use in serum, EDTA and heparin plasma • Wide measuring range up to 2000 U/L • 2-point calibration with superior stability of 8 weeks • No interferences by blood components like bilirubin, ascorbate, hemoglobin and others • Excellent precision over the entire measuring range Intra-assay Mean SD CV Essential Role of Lp-PLA2 in Risk Assessment Since 2010, Lp-PLA2 testing is recommended by four major guidelines for...

LP-PLA2 - 4

Leading Technology in Fluid-Stable Reagents from DiaSys • Global player in clinical chemistry tests with recognized R & D department • Quality products made in Germany • High quality raw materials from traceable origin • Processes and resources certified according to ISO 13485, ISO 9001 and fulfilling highest internal quality standards • Sustainable processes and products preserving the environment • High performance ready-to-use reagents with minimized interferences, long shelf life, on-board stability and traceability to international references • Perfectly matched fluid-stable reagents,...


DiaSys Diagnostic Systems GmbHのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. respons®910

    4 ページ

  2. respons®910VET

    3 ページ

  3. DiaSys

    104 ページ

  4. HbA1c net FS

    6 ページ

  5. InnovaStar®

    6 ページ

  6. respons®920

    4 ページ

  7. Cystatin C FS

    4 ページ

  8. Electrolytes

    4 ページ

  9. D-Dimer FS

    4 ページ

  10. Iron Metabolism

    4 ページ

  11. oneHbA1c FS

    4 ページ

  12. Homocysteine FS

    4 ページ

  13. Immunoturbidimetry

    4 ページ

  14. Metabolic Syndrome

    4 ページ

  15. CRP U-hs

    4 ページ

  16. Lactate FS

    2 ページ

  17. Prealbumin FS

    2 ページ

  18. Ethanol FS

    2 ページ

  19. CRP FS

    4 ページ

  20. Creatinine PAP FS

    2 ページ

  21. CK-MB FS

    2 ページ

  22. Cholinesterase FS

    2 ページ

  23. Bicarbonate FS

    2 ページ

  24. SensoStar GLHsix

    2 ページ