ECB Water Treadmill Brochure
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“We have been using our ECB water treadmill for a year now and I am very impressed by the benefits which are varied and far reaching. It has helped with minor injuries such as swelling due to bruising or lymphangitis, and chronic joint and arthritis based injuries to reduce inflammation and to increase the range of movement. We have had great success with horses known to have kissing spines avoiding the need for surgery. At a time when welfare is more important than ever we find the water treadmill has aided us to produce fit and injury free athletes who move well and are mentally happy in...

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Aqua Treadmill The ECB Aqua Treadmill has been designed and built on 21 years of ECB’s experience in equine hydrotherapy. As market leaders of the equine spa it was a natural progression to research and develop the latest technology in water treadmills. The computer system has been designed with the handler in mind. Easy to operate, in multiple languages, the system can store up to 100 horses, giving them each an individual programme. The display monitor has a video maintenance guide and operating manual. Using the highest quality materials including marine grade stainless steel and safety...

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Grade Stainless Steel & trot variable speed, 0 - 12kPH scale for ongoing weight monitoring (optional) heart-rate monitor (optional) filling and emptying – 2½ minutes to level of 60cm glass doors and side panels allow for greater visibility release breast/rear bars and numerous safety features 100 horse/program touch screen computer system with video manual/guide filtration and night cleaning programmes allowing for up to 6 weeks of recycled water ports giving unique cleanability without lifting the belt

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Aqua Treadmill Benefits The use of a treadmill is no new thing, in fact, there are probably more yards with treadmills than without - without a rider on their backs, horses will work in a more natural and balanced outline. Water creates a controlled/ non-concussive environment. Buoyancy and resistance of water enable the horse’s musculoskeletal system to work more efficiently, without concussion and forces acting on the joints. Movement through the water means all axis work in alignment without being disturbed by an external factor such as the rider or surface. Additionally, variable water...

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Water Quality This is where ECB excel. With historic knowledge of cold salt hydrotherapy and the importance of clean water for rehabilitation, ECB has developed a filtration system that means you can successfully recycle the water for up to 6 weeks. By combining “equine nappies” and triple filtration (rotary filter with built-in UV lamps, cartridge filter and independent UV Filter) the need to have twice weekly water changes is a thing of the past. 6,000 litres of water is very expensive to be changing this often and if salt is used the cost goes up. Gait analysis has shown that the use of...

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“We are very pleased with our choice of the ECB water treadmill. It is very friendly to use, with aninnovative technology that allows us to customize for each horse a personalized training program, with which we have had excellent results. In addition to the most advanced technology and quality of the treadmill, I have to mention the added value of after sales service, which is undoubtedly a crucial factor of success.” Ana Elias Fernandes, Horse Therapy Services, Lisbon, Portugal

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Technical Data BUILT-IN (PIT DO BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO INSTALL) Length: 4956mm Width: 2170mm Height: 1608mm FLOOR MOUNTED (WITH RAMPS INCLUDED) Length: 6932mm Width: 2610mm Height: 2008mm TANKS & PUMP/ FILTER SKID Tanks: (x2): 2470mm (l) x 870mm (w) Skid: 2350mm (l) x 980mm (w)

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POWER REQUIREMENTS Single or Three Phase power supply required WEIGHT Treadmill: 2200kg Tanks: 60kg (each) Skid: 450kg WATER SUPPLY & DRAINAGE A water supply is required to the area designated for the tanks. Drainage will be required either in the pit (if built-in) or the vicinity of the treadmill (if floor mounted).

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ECB Equine Spa Bourton Hill Farm Bourton on the Water Cheltenham, Glos. GL54 2LF, UK ECB Equine Spa 14 Gail Court Sparta, NJ 07871 USA


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