Product catalog
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Advanced Monitoring Product Catalogue PreSep PediaSat FloTrac VolumeView Vigileo EV1000 Oximetry Catheter Oximetry Catheter Sensor Set Monitor Clinical Platform

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VolumeView Set (CO, SV, SVV, GEDV, GEF and EVLW) TruWave Transducer and VAMP System (Arterial Pressure, CVP, RAP, PAP and ICP) The Continuum of Critical Care Since the introduction of the Swan-Ganz catheter in the early 1970s, Edwards Lifesciences has partnered with clinicians to develop products and systems that advance the care and treatment of the critically ill. What has resulted is an extensive line of hemodynamic monitoring tools including catheters, sensors and bedside patient monitors that continue to build on this gold standard in critical care medicine. Critical care clinicians...

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TABLE OF CONTENTS PreSep & PediaSat Oximetry Catheters p4 p6 p8 p9 PreSep Oximetry Catheter PediaSat Oximetry Catheter Clinical Application of ScvO2 Educational Resources FloTrac Sensor p 10 p 12 p 13 FloTrac Sensor Clinical Application of Flow Parameters Educational Resources VolumeView Set p 14 p 16 p 17 VolumeView Set Clinical Application of Volumetric Parameters Educational Resources Monitors & Accessories p 18 p 22 p 24 EV1000 Clinical Platform Vigileo Monitor Perioperative Hemodynamic Optimization Find out more... p 26 3

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PreSep & PediaSat Oximetry Catheters 1 PreSep Oximetry Catheter PreSep oximetry catheters are triple lumen central venous catheters with the added capability for continuously monitoring central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2). It is integral to Early Goal-Directed Therapy (EGDT) for the management of sepsis. EGDT yields significant reductions in sepsis-related mortality. (23) • Continuous ScvO2 monitoring to assess the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption. • Easy to insert using same insertion technique as that of central lines. • Pressure monitoring (Central Venous Pressure) and...

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PreSep & PediaSat Oximetry Catheters Triple Lumen PreSep Catheter PreSep Catheter - Accessory

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PreSep & PediaSat Oximetry Catheters 2 PediaSat Oximetry Catheter PediaSat oximetry catheters are pediatric central venous catheters with the added capability for continuously monitoring central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2). • Continuously monitors ScvO2 to assess the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption. • Sized for pediatrics. • Easy to insert using same insertion technique as that of central lines. • Offers high flow rates and convenient administration of fluids. • Compatible with Edwards oximetry monitors (*) and optical module, and now available with the Philips SO2 module....

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PreSep & PediaSat Oximetry Catheters Double Lumen PediaSat Catheter Triple Lumen PediaSat Catheter PediaSat Catheter - Accessory

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FloTrac Sensor 1 FloTrac Sensor The FloTrac sensor is a less invasive hemodynamic monitoring device that provides key flow parameters (CO, SV, SVV, SVR) from an existing arterial catheter using continuous automatic vascular tone adjustment. The FloTrac sensor can be used with the Vigileo monitor or the EV1000 clinical platform. The complete system will calculate and display key flow parameters. The FloTrac sensor is accurate, easy to use and less invasive. • Connects to existing arterial catheter. • Requires no additional catheters, boluses or chemical indicators, enabling rapid set-up. •...

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FloTrac Sensor FloTrac Sensor Catalogue Number Length A (cm)* Length B Description (cm)* Pack Size MHD6R 120 30 FloTrac sensor (150 cm) pressure line 1 MHD6AZR 90 60 FloTrac sensor (150 cm) pressure line and VAMP adult system 1 MHD8R 180 30 FloTrac sensor (210 cm) pressure line 1 MHD6R5 120 30 FloTrac sensor (150 cm) pressure line 5 MHD6AZR5 90 60 FloTrac sensor (150 cm) pressure line and VAMP adult system 5 MHD8R5 180 30 FloTrac sensor (210 cm) pressure line 5 FloTrac Sensor - Accessory Catalogue Number Length (cm) APC09 274 Description FloTrac sensor connecting cable Pack Size 1 *Lenghts...

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The next advancement in volumetric parameters : the VolumeView set from Edwards Lifesciences al- lows the clinician to access valuable volumetric information needed to manage the critically ill patient • Provides informative volumetric parameters (EVLW, PVPI, GEDV and GEF). • Can be used specifically in the treatment of pulmonary oedema, acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). • The volumetric parameters are provided via transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD). □The VolumeView sensor, which allows measu- rement of continuous hemodynamic parame- ters and can also...

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VolumeView Set - All Product Codes VolumeView Set - All Product Codes

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VolumeView Set 2 Clinical Application of Volumetric Parameters Evolving beyond numbers : the Physio Relationship screen helps identify the source of problem clearly through the hierarchy of parameters. The Physiology screen enables quick treatment decision-making through visual clinical decision support. The VolumeView set from Edwards Lifesciences in combination with the EV1000 clinical platform enables the display of valuable volumetric parameters in an entirely new, meaningful way. Delivered via the EV1000 clinical platform, the VolumeView set is able to offer you a unique, clear, visual...

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VolumeView Set • The VolumeView set is intended for use in treating your acutely ill patients, providing informative volumetric parameters (EVLW, PVPI, GEDV and GEF) that can be used specifically in the treatment of pulmonary oedema, acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). • The volumetric parameters are provided via transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD). • The VolumeView set does not require any further level of invasiveness for ICU patients. 3 Educational Resources • Parameters card (AR06426) • EV1000 set-up guide (AR05981) • VolumeView set brochure (E2298) 17

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Monitors & Accessories The EV10G0 clinical platform from Edwards Lifesciences presents the physiologic status of the patient in an entirely new, intuitive and meaningful way. Designed in collaboration with and validated by clinicians, the EV1000 clinical platform offers you scalability and adaptability in both the OR and ICU. • Displays the parameters provided by the FloTrac sensor, the PreSep and PediaSat oximetry catheters • Utilises colour-based incicators wh ch communicate patient status at a glance. ■ Displays visual clinical support screens to allow for immediate recognition and...


Edwards Lifesciencesのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット


    7 ページ


    4 ページ

  3. VAMP adult system

    5 ページ

  4. OptiSite

    2 ページ

  5. Vascular Therapies

    28 ページ

  6. ev 1000 brochure

    5 ページ

  7. ED MagnaEase Bro

    3 ページ

  8. Swan-Ganz Brochure

    6 ページ

  9. ccNexfin System

    3 ページ

  10. PediaSat

    4 ページ

  11. Sepsis_management

    4 ページ

  12. Fluid Optimization

    3 ページ

  13. Flo Trac

    4 ページ

  14. Retrogradebrochure

    4 ページ

  15. Venous Cannulae

    4 ページ

  16. Arterial Cannulae

    4 ページ

  17. PediaSat Catheter

    4 ページ

  18. PreSep Catheter

    6 ページ

  19. VolumeView Set

    4 ページ

  20. FloTrac Sensor

    4 ページ