Using Hpm™ roll-on cuff in varicose vein surgery Experience of 13 775 procedures Author: Hans-Joachim Hermanns, MD
カタログの1ページ目を開くUsing Hpm™ roll-on cuff in Varicose Vein Surgery Experience of 13,775 procedures Author: Hans Joachim Hermanns (Germany) Introduction The first use of a tourniquet in varicose vein surgery was described by Fischer in 1965. He initially used orthopaedic pneumatic cuffs. To achieve a bloodless field, an Esmarch rubber bandage had to be applied to the limb. The cuff pressure was set at 300 to 400 mmHg for orthopaedic and traumatology procedures; according to what is known today, this is too high and is locally traumatising. The roll-on cuff developed by Löfqvist in 1988 represented a...
カタログの2ページ目を開くPostoperative bleeding complications and development of haematoma occurred more seldom in patients who underwent surgery in a bloodless field than with other techniques (e.g. cryo-stripping). The results are based on an analysis of 1,780 patient survey forms recorded as part of a benchmarking project by the Association of Office-Based Vascular Surgeons (ANG). Postoperative haematoma symptoms were given an average grade of 2.89 (range 1-6) in the case of operations in the bloodless technique. In contrast, the grade for cryo-stripping was 3.47. Use of tourniquet in German vascular centers If...
カタログの3ページ目を開くvaricose vein surgery. Because of increased fibrinolytic activity after release of the tourniquet, thrombosis appears to occur rather more seldom than without ischaemia. It is important to observe short ischaemia times through short and safe procedures. It should not exceed one hour. Our average ischaemia time was 32 minutes. Evaluation and comparison of haematomas in venous surgery are extremely difficult and inaccurate. There are no exact measurement methods for the individual types of haematoma (canal haematoma, extensive skin haematomas). However, a few studies clearly suggest that...
カタログの4ページ目を開くHammarplast medicalのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
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