Features and Applications of the Jenway Bibby Scientific
カタログの1ページ目を開くGeneral features of the 62 series fluorimeters The Jenway 62 series fluorimeter range consists of three models designed to cover a wide range of applications. The model 6280 is ideal for the most sensitive determinations with emission wavelengths up to 650nm. Where higher emission wavelengths are required, the model 6285 with its red-enhanced detector can extend the range up to 850nm. For less sensitive applications with a broader wavelength range, the model 6270 will meet the necessary requirements. All models in the 62 series range enable simple raw fluorescence measurements to be made...
カタログの3ページ目を開くModel 6280 The model 6280 is recommended for the most sensitive determinations with emission wavelengths up to 650nm. The model 6280 uses a photomultiplier tube (PMT) detector, the sensitivity of which can be adjusted by altering the gain setting. This ensures that a wide dynamic range of sample concentrations can be detected with the highest sensitivity. The model 6280 is ideal for a broad range of applications in food and beverage analysis, including determination of histamine, quinine, aflatoxins and vitamins. It also has a wide range of uses in biochemistry and the life sciences for...
カタログの4ページ目を開くBibby Scientific For high throughput applications or where there is a continuous flow of samples such as fraction collecting, a sipper pump in combination with a flow cell can greatly reduce the amount of sample handling required. This programmable peristaltic pump can be set to dispense as little as 75uJ of sample into the chamber of a suitable flow-through cuvette, with selectable air segmentation and rinse cycles to match varying sample requirements. Alternatively, in continuous mode it can pump a continuous stream of sample through the cuvette from a flowing • Heated cell system (628...
カタログの5ページ目を開くBibby Scientific Interference filters pass a narrow band of light, typically 10nm. For example, a 627 140 - 350nm filter with a bandpass of 10nm will pass light from 345 - 355nm (5nm on either side of 350nm). • Cut-off filters are used to block light that is shorter than a specified wavelength. A 475nm cut-off filter will allow transmission of light that is longer than 475nm, but it will block light that is shorter than 475nm. An excitation filter should only allow light which excites the molecule of interest to reach the sample. The emission filter should allow the fluorescence from the...
カタログの6ページ目を開くIENWAY Bibby Scientific It is strongly urged that the data for a particular fluorophore be confirmed by consulting the dye manufacturer to secure full specification of curves for excitation and emission. Please be aware that shown maximum values of excitation and emission do not necessarily apply in every instance. If the operator uses another salt of the compound, or the pH value is different, excitation and emission values may vary greatly.
カタログの7ページ目を開くBibby Scientific
カタログの8ページ目を開くBibby Scientific
カタログの9ページ目を開くBibby Scientific ■ Application notes and protocols Below is a brief summary of the application notes currently available for the Jenway 62 series fluorimeters. The notes can be downloaded in full from http://www.ienway.com/notes Fluorimeters.asp or obtained by contacting ienwavhelp@bibbv-scientific.com. • A10-001 A: Quant-iT™ OliGreen® ssDNA assay The Quant-iT™ OliGreen® oligonucleotide reagent is a sensitive fluorescent nucleic acid stain for quantitating oligonucleotides and single stranded DNA (ssDNA) in solution. Alternative methods for quantitating oligonucleotides, such as...
カタログの10ページ目を開くstandards prepared from salicylic acid (SA) and the results assessed against the requirements of the British Pharmacopeia. ® A10-004A: NanoOrange protein quantitation assay ® The NanoOrange Protein Quantitation Kit is a sensitive fluorescent assay for detecting proteins in solution. ® The NanoOrange reagent is virtually non-fluorescent in aqueous solution but on interaction with proteins, exhibits a strong fluorescence at about 570nm when excited at around 470nm. The assay is performed simply by adding the protein sample to the diluted reagent; heating at 95ºC for ten minutes and reading...
カタログの11ページ目を開くBibby Scientific • A10-011 A: The Effect of Filter Selection on the LOD in the Fluorometric Determination of Histamine is a biogenic amine that can be formed in food when histidine is converted to histamine by the metabolic processes of microorganisms. Consumption of foods that contain high levels of biogenic amines can result in an illness called histamine poisoning. This application note shows the use of different combinations of narrow and wide bandpass excitation and emission filters to determine the concentration of histamine corresponding to the LOD. The application note also...
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