
This is a long screw that fixes the structures screwed to the PERMANENT abutments during the manufacturing processes. It is used manually or with the star adapter. It makes it possible to perform sweep impressions. 10 11 09 ACCESS HOLE PROTECTOR It consists of a cylinder-shaped device that protects the screw access hole. This avoids material penetration during wax-up procedures. It enables castables height elevation, leaving the screw access hole free by using the protector as a guide. RV GOLD BASE ABUTMENT 18 10 51 / 18 10 52 Alloy specifications Composition Fusion range Thermal expansion coefficient Color Elasticity limits Vickers hardness Elongation Mass 18 10 51 ■ORIENTATIVE MASSES DEPENDS ON THE MANUFACTURING CHARACTERISTICS. Alloy especifications Composition (balance) Fusion range Thermal expansion coefficient Color Elasticity limits Vickers hardness Elongation Mass 18 10 13 JDTORQUE® TORQUE WRENCH AND ADAPTERS JDTWKL JDTORQUE® TORQUE WRENCH 10 08 11 STAR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER 10 08 11 L LONG STAR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER 10 08 14 EXTRA LONG STAR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER 18 07 30 ADAPTER PERMANENT ABUTMENT BRIDGE 18 07 31 ADAPTER PERMANENT ABUTMENT CROWN PRODUCT WARNINGS IMPRESSION TAKING General observations: • Individual trays suitable for each case should be used for making the impressions. • Likewise, quality materials are to be employed, following the manufacturer's instructions for use. • Check that the implant connection is clean [blood, residues, etc.]. • Take the necessary precautions to prevent elements from becoming detached in the oral cavity, with the risk of swallowing or aspiration of same. 18 09 12 / 18 09 08 / 18 09 07 In the case of unit implants, check that the flat surfaces are perfectly registered in the impression. 18 09 05 / 18 09 06 / 18 09 13 / 18 09 13 L • Free the zone of the screw by removing excess impression material before it sets. • Depending on the relation with respect to the antagonist and adjacent teeth, and the gingival height, select the correct transfer (short or long, depending on product availability). • In the latter case, correct seating of the transfer in the implant and/or abutment is necessary if the direct impression technique is chosen. MODEL POURING Check the stability of the analog-transfer unit in the impression before model pouring. Quality materials must be used, following the manufacturer's instructions for use. RV ABUTMENTS General observations: • Tightening on the abutments is to be avoided [maximum torque 5 Ncm] during the prosthesis manufacturing process until definitive insertion of the prosthesis, when the applicable torque should be 25 Ncm. • It is important to not exceed a torque of 25 Ncm. • In the case of provisional restorations, the torque for fitting is 15 Ncm. • Use of the corresponding castable and reamer is essential in order to obtain a superstructure with optimum fit. RV STRAIGHT ABUTMENTS 18 10 48 / 18 10 49 / 18 10 50 Trimming below 4 mm is to be avoided. 15° AND 25° RV ABUTMENTS 18 10 55 / 18 10 56 / 18 10 57 / 18 10 58 Trimming in height below 4 mm is to be avoided. RV GOLD BASE ABUTMENT 18 10 51 / 18 10 52 An alloy is to be chosen for overcasting according to standards ISO 9693-1, ISO 22674. [See metal specifications]. DESIGN PARAMETERS TO BE USED IN THE FINAL RESTORATION *Do not cut the piece Maximun length of the restoration 14 mm Minimum post height 3,5 mm* below 3.5 mm to avoid Minimum wall tickness 0,45 mm Maximum angulation 30° exposing the metal RV Co-Cr BASE ABUTMENT 18 10 53 / 18 10 54 An alloy is to be chosen for overcasting according to standards ISO 9693-1, ISO 22674. [See metal specifications]. DESIGN PARAMETERS TO BE USED IN THE FINAL RESTORATION *Do not cut the piece Maximun length of the restoration 14 mm Minimum post height 3,5 mm* below 3.5 mm to avoid Minimum wall tickness 0,45 mm Maximum angulation 30° exposing the metal RV PERMANENT ABUTMENTS ■ OCCLUSAL SCREW 18 10 59 / 18 10 60 / 18 10 61 / 18 10 62 / 18 10 63 / 18 10 64 / 18 10 70 M / 18 10 71 M / 18 10 72 M / 18 10 70 U / 18 10 71 U / 18 10 72 U Tightening on the RV PERMANENT abutments is to be avoided [maximum torque 5 Ncm] during the prosthesis manufacturing process until definitive insertion of the prosthesis, when the applicable torque is 30 Ncm. A torque of 15 Ncm is to be applied to the superstructure fixation screws, occlusal screw. Exceeding a torque of 15 Ncm can cause screw breakage. The RV PERMANENT abutments [occlusal screw] cannot be trimmed. PROVISIONAL ABUTMENTS 18 10 42 / 18 10 41 These abutments are made of titanium and must be trimmed using adequate drills. Provisional restorations are to remain in the mouth for a maximum of 90 days. The torque for definitive fitting is 15 Ncm. ESTHETIC PROVISIONAL ABUTMENTS 18 10 43 / 18 10 44 These abutments are made of PMMA with a titanium implant interface and titanium fixation screw. Trimming must respect the titanium interface in order to avoid rupture of the esthetic coating material. Provisional restorations are to remain in the mouth for a maximum of 28 days. The torque for definitive fitting is 15 Ncm. RV LOCATOR® OVERDENTURES 18 16 11 / 18 16 12 / 18 16 13 / 18 16 14 / 18 16 15 Indicated for manufacturing implant-retained overdentures on RV VEGA® dental implants. General observations: The torque for definitive fitting is 25 Ncm. The supporting shoulder of the retaining connector must be left exposed in all cases. The spaces that will house the retaining connectors should not be completely filled, since an excess of acrylic material is not advisable. It is preferable to use lingual canals to ensure that the excess material does not prevent correct seating of the overdentures. If connector splinting is performed in the mouth, a protector [e.g., rubber dam] should be used to prevent the possible excess resin from seeping beneath the neck of the Locator retaining abutment. The different transmucosal heights facilitate use of the Locator® system in cases with either a fine gingival biotype or hypertrophic gums. PROSTHETIC PLANNING KIT The parts included in the prosthetic planning kit must be cleaned, disinfected and sterilized if intended for use in the oral cavity (steam sterilization at 134°C during 4 min.). The abutments included in the prosthetic planning kit are not suitable for the manufacture of dental prostheses. TITANIUM BASE The titanium base is used for designing ceramic prosthesis with the CAD/CAM system. The titanium base should be used to produce a personalized structure, combining an optimum anatomical contour with esthetic finishing in the supragingival zone. PERMANENT ABUTMENT ADAPTER [MULTIPLE] 18 12 03 PERMANENT ABUTMENT ADAPTER [SINGLE] 18 13 01 RV TRANSFER [CLOSED TRAY] 18 16 11 RV TRANSFER [OPEN TRAY] 18 16 12 NV LONG TRANSFER [OPEN TRAY] 18 16 13 XL NV EXTRA LONG SCREW TRANSFER [OPEN TRAY] 18 16 14 RV STRAIGHT ABUTMENT [1.0MM] JDTWKL RV CASTABLE FOR STRAIGHT ABUTMENT [SINGLE] 10 08 14 RV CASTABLE FOR STRAIGHT ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] 10 15 01 RV 25° ANGLED ABUTMENT [3.0MM] RV TITANIUM TEMPORARY ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] RV TITANIUM TEMPORARY ABUTMENT [SINGLE] RV PMMA TEMPORARY ABUTMENT [SINGLE] RV PMMA TEMPORARY ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] RV TITANIUM BASE ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] RV TITANIUM BASE ABUTMENT [SINGLE] RV GOLD ABUTMENT [SINGLE] RV GOLD ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] RV CoCr ABUTMENT [SINGLE] RV CoCr ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] RV STAR SCREW MULTIPLE TRANSFER FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [OT] NV LONG MULTIPLE TRANSFER FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [OT] SINGLE TRANSFER FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [OT] NV LONG SINGLE TRANSFER FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [OT] MULTIPLE TRANSFER FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [CT] SINGLE TRANSFER FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [CT] ANALOG FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT RV 18° ANGLED PERMANENT ABUTMENT [2.0 MM] RV 18° ANGLED PERMANENT ABUTMENT [3.0 MM] RV 18° ANGLED PERMANENT ABUTMENT [4.0 MM] RV 30° ANGLED PERMANENT ABUTMENT [2.0 MM] RV 30° ANGLED PERMANENT ABUTMENT [3.0 MM] RV 30° ANGLED PERMANENT ABUTMENT [4.0 MM] RV MULTIPLE STRAIGHT PERMANENT ABUTMENT [1.0 MM] RV MULTIPLE STRAIGHT PERMANENT ABUTMENT[2.0 MM] RV MULTIPLE STRAIGHT PERMANENT ABUTMENT [3.0 MM] CASTABLE FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] TITANIUM FITTING FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] MICRO STAR SCREW RV SINGLE STRAIGHT PERMANENT ABUTMENT [1.0 MM] RV SINGLE STRAIGHT PERMANENT ABUTMENT [2.0 MM] RV SINGLE STRAIGHT PERMANENT ABUTMENT [3.0 MM] CASTABLE FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [MULTIPLE] TITANIUM FITTING FOR PERMANENT ABUTMENT [SINGLE] RV ABUTMENT LOCATOR® [2.0 MM] RV ABUTMENT LOCATOR® [3.0 MM] RV ABUTMENT LOCATOR® [4.0 MM] RV ABUTMENT LOCATOR® [5.0 MM] RV ABUTMENT LOCATOR® [6.0 MM] JDTORQUE® TORQUE WRENCH STAR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER LONG STAR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER EXTRA LONG STAR TORQUE WRENCH ADAPTER ACCES HOLE REAMER SHOULDER REAMER M1.4 LABORATORY SCREW ACCES HOLE PROTECTOR All KLOCKNER® IMPLANT SYSTEM products comply with the laws and regulations applicable to medical devices, such as: European directives MDD 93/42/ECC modified by 2007/47EC ■ Regulations of the United States FDA 21CFR 820 ■ Quality standards EN ISO 13485 and other applicable standards and regulations. OnlyforUSA: SOADCOS. L.isamanufacturerof surgical-medical material, specifically dental implants and related surgical-medical products. KLOCKNER of NorthAmerica, incisthe official distributorinUSA. SOADCOS. L., KLOCKNERof NorthAmerica and/or other official distributors do not practice medicineor dentistry and therefore donotrecommend eithersurgical techniques ordental-medical equipment for patients. SOADCOS. L, KLOCKNER of NorthAmerica, inc. and/orother official distributors do notguarantee a particularresult orbenefits arising from the use of such dental-medical equipment manufactured and/or sold bythemselves, and decline / refuse any responsibility regarding the useof thematerial based ontheinterpretation of the informationdescribed inthis document, becauseaparticularoutcomecannotbe guaranteed. Anywitness, opinion orinstruction described inthis document and distributed to any healthcare professional, clinician, researcher, orany qualified personnel are onlytheirtestimony, opinions, or instructions. These are nottestimony, opinions, or instructionsfromemployeesof SOADCO S. L., KLOCKNER of North America, inc.and/orother official distributors. Therefore,SOADCOS.L., KLOCKNERof NorthAmerica, inc.and/orotherofficial distributors are not responsiblefor any claim orstatementmadebysuchparties. The products described in thisdocument are fortheir acquisitionanduseonly bydental-medicalprofessionalsappropriatelytrainedandqualifiedinthis fieldandmust notberesold. Thedevices described in thisdocument aremanufactured by: SOADCO S. L, Avgda. Fiter i Rossell, 4 bis local n° 2 escaldes-engordany [Andorra] and distributed in usa by KLOCKNER of North America, inc. 175 sw 7 street, units 1103-1104 Miami Fl -33130 [USA] Theuseand/orselectionof an inappropriatetreatmentof anymedical and/orsurgicalmaterialsdescribedinthisdocument, is solely responsibility of theuserof suchmaterial. WARNING NOT ALL KLOCKNER® IMPLANTS SYSTEM PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE IN EVERY COUNTRY implant system
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