
Steril WaterFor water disinfection and algae removal. "Drinking" water has a limited bacterial content only at the taking point. Despite of chlorination, stagnation in reservoirs and pipes favours bacterial pollution. It is well known that the use of ionic-exchange decalcifiers, without self-disinfectant devices, increases the proliferation of bacteria. It means that when the water arrives at the dental surgery, it may be used for drinking, but it should certainly not be applied to wounds. It is therefore necessary to use a powerful disinfectant system on "drinking" water. De Marco proposes STERIL WATER device, which exploits the ultra-violet ray action-for the neutralisation of bacteria, algae, viruses, spores and fungi. The required dosage for almost all bacteria and viruses in the mains' water is between 2,500 and 22,000 p Wsec/sq.cm. With STERIL WATER the emission of ultra-violet radiation exceeds 30,000 p Wsec/sq.cm. with a wavelength of 253,7 nanometres which destroys the thymic bridges of bacteria and viruses nucleic acids, in order to destroy the single micro-organism. The lamp last for about 24 months. 1. Given the indicated capacities per model, a demolition of micro-organisms is assured, varying between 99.9% and 99.99%. Disinfection process does not modify pH, smell, taste and chemical composition of treated water. 2. With model DM2, Teflon pipes do not permit limestone incrustations and therefore no maintenance is required. Besides, Teflon, because of its extremely low friction coefficient, permits a vertical movement and therefore allows a total exposure of water to ultra-violet rays. Breakage and corrosion are eliminated, as all parts in contact with water are manufactured in plastic. 3. The algae elimination action of ultra-violet rays avoids service calls caused by obstruction of piping of the dental unit instrumentation.
STERIL WATER STERIL WATER STERIL WATER PARA LA DISINFECTIÒN DEL AGUA Y LA ELIMINACIÒN DE LAS ALGAS SU DEZENFEKSİYONU VE ALGLERİN SUDAN GİDERİLMESİ İÇİN El agua “potable” tiene una carga bactérica limitada solamente en el punto en el que se recoge la muestra. Das “Trink”wasser hat eine Bakterienladung, die sich nur auf den Abgreifpunkt bes ränkt. ch Trotz der Chlorung fördert die Stagnation in den Wasserwerkskesseln und in den Leiungen die t Bakterienbelastung. “İçilebilir” su, sadece alma noktasında sınırlı bakteriyel yüklemeye sahiptir. Klorlama işlemine rağmen, su taşıma tanklarında...