
LEAK MASTER A LEAK MASTER GUARANTEES THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR TESTING CYCLE • WIDE RANGE OF STANDARD VALUES DESCRIPTION To answer to all the quality control At a given pressure, a leak master connections to the tested product. needs, the Leak Masters are the ideal guarantees a given leak flow rate. Leak Masters have a convenient male operational tools to periodically check By inserting the leak master in the test RBE03 staubli fitting and are available the efficiency of the testing systems in circuit, you can easily check both the in a wide range of values, both standard testing equipment and the mechanical CALIBRATION SERVICE • Each Leak Master is provided with a calibration report that can be referred to national and international primary instruments as per ISO9001 • Fast and easy periodic checks • Staubli® RBE03 ma
LEAK MASTER STANDARD VALUE TABLE Leak type Pressure test -800 mbar -600 mbar -500 mbar -400 mbar -200 mbar -100 mbar -50 mbar 20 mbar 50 mbar 100 mbar 150 mbar 200 mbar 300 mbar 400 mbar 500 mbar 600 mbar 800 mbar 1 bar 1,5 bar 2 bar 2,5 bar 3 bar 4 bar 5 bar 6 bar 8 bar 10 bar *Out of table values are available on request, with +/-5% of tolerance on nominal flow required REFERENCE CONDITIONS • The leak masters can be calibrated and certified on request at normalized conditions (0 °C, 1013 hPa) or other condtions, custom made. The leak master must be inserted in the testing circuit Handle...