
Root ZX mini is compact designed to fit the hand. It can be placed on a tray, the patient’s apron, or any other convenient place. Diagnostic and Imaging Equipment Treatment Units Handpieces and Instruments Endodontic Systems Laser Equipment Laboratory Devices Development and Manufacturing J. MORITA MFG. CORP . 680 Higashihama Minami-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612-8533, Japan T +81. (0)75. 611 2141, F +81. (0)75. 622 4595 Educational and Training Systems Auxiliaries Morita Global Website www.morita.com Distribution J. MORITA CORP . 3-33-18 Tarumi-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka 564-8650, Japan T +81. (0)6. 6380 1521, F +81. (0)6. 6380 0585 J. MORITA USA, INC. 9 Mason, lrvine CA 92618, USA T +1. 949. 581 9600, F +1. 949. 581 8811 J. MORITA EUROPE GMBH Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 27b, 63128 Dietzenbach, Germany T +49. (0)6074. 836 0, F +49. (0)6074. 836 299 MORITA DENTAL ASIA PTE. LTD. 150 Kampong Ampat #06-01A KA Centre, Singapore 368324 T +65. 6779. 4795, F +65. 6777 2279 . J. MORITA CORP AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND . Suite 2.05, 247 Coward Street, Mascot NSW 2020, Australia T +61. (0)2. 9667 3555, F +61. (0)2. 9667 3577 J. MORITA CORP MIDDLE EAST . 4 Tag Al Roasaa, Apartment 902, Saba Pacha 21311 Alexandria, Egypt T +20. (0)3. 58 222 94, F +20. (0)3. 58 222 96 J. MORITA CORP INDIA . Filix Office No.908, L.B.S. Marg, Opp. Asian Paints, Bhandup (West), Mumbai 400078, India J. MORITA MFG. CORP INDONESIA . 28F DBS Bank Tower, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia , T +62-21-2988-8332, F + 62-21-2988-8201 SIAMDENT CO., LTD. 71/10 Mu 5, Thakham, Bangpakong, Chachuengsao 24130, Thailand T +66. 38. 573042, F +66. 38. 573043 www.siamdent.com Thinking ahead. Focused on life. Subject to technical changes and errors.
The trusted name in apex location for over 30 years The Root ZX mini shares the same proven technology that has been relied on by endodontic enthusiasts for over 30 years. This technology has been independently evaluated at a 97 .5% accuracy rate.* Learn more at Morita.com Accurate Utilizing a unique and proven Morita ratio technique, the Root ZX mini provides a highly accurate indication of the file’s location. The accuracy of the apex location is not affected by the presence or absence of fluids in the canal. Compact Whether placed on a tray, a table, or elsewhere, the Root ZX mini’s...
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