普霖医疗科技(广州)有限公司 Princeton Medical Scientific Co., Ltd 网址Web:www.pulinmed.com 邮箱 Email:pulin@pulinmed.com 电话Tel:(86)20-82112462 销售专线:020-89850010 地址:广东省广州市广州经济技术开发区玉树工业园富康西街8号C栋 501、503邮编:510663 RM501、503, B
カタログの1ページ目を開くIntended Use产品用途 Specifications规格尺寸 (Model in A=Single单件,B=Pack套件) 供临床对肾结石或肾积水患者做经皮肾穿刺扩张引流和腔镜手术器械置入时进行扩张, 建立通道时使用。 It is used for clinical dilatation and channel establishment in patients with renal stones or hydronephrosis during percutaneous renal puncture expansion and drainage as well as endoscopic surgical instrument placement. optional accessories 套件内可选项 Puncture 穿刺针 Features 特性 鞘管材料特氟龙,内表面非常光洁,减少对患者的粘膜损伤,摩擦系数极低,管体韧性极佳,撕开顺畅; The peeling sheath is made of Teflon and its inner surface is very smooth, which reduces the damage to the mucous membrane of the patient. In addition, the...
カタログの2ページ目を開くPrinceton Medical Scientificのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
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