グループ: Randox


ACUSERA TRUE THIRD PARTY CONTROLS OFFERING COMPLETE TEST MENU CONSOLIDATION Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that information is accurate and up-to-date, some information is subject to change. Please contact marketing@randox.com for current details. 2
BENEFITS For over 40 years Randox has been shaping the future of clinical diagnostics with our pioneering high quality, cost effective laboratory solutions. With approximately 70% of clinical decisions based on laboratory test results, it is essential that the results provided are accurate and reliable in order to prevent potential misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment. Quality Control is our passion; we believe in producing high quality material that can help streamline procedures, whilst saving time and money for laboratories of all sizes and budgets. With an extensive product offering...
BENEFITS Traceability The values assigned to both our calibrators and control materials are traceable to a recognised reference material or reference measurement procedure meeting ISO 17511 and ISO 18153 requirements. Consolidation Specialising in consolidation, the Acusera range of multi-analyte controls is designed to reduce the number of individual controls required to cover your test menu, ultimately reducing costs, preparation time and storage space. Clinically Relevant Levels The presence of analytes at key decision levels not only helps to ensure accurate instrument performance but...
ISO REQUIREMENTS Acusera; helping you to meet ISO 15189:2022 requirements. Third Party Controls “The use of third-party IQC material should be considered, either as an alternative to, or in addition to, control material supplied by the reagent or instrument manufacturer.” As true third party controls, the Acusera range has been designed to provide an unbiased, independent assessment of performance. Our Acusera controls have not been manufactured in line with, or optimised for use with any particular reagent, method or instrument. Commutability “When selecting IQC material, factors to be...
CONSOLIDATION Consolidate and Save with Randox Acusera. Randox is a leading provider of multi-analyte, true third party controls covering more than 400 analytes. The unique combination of analytes facilitates effective consolidation, helping your laboratory to reduce costs without compromising on performance or quality. Unlike some competitor products, our Acusera Controls are manufactured with analytes present at clinically relevant decision levels, eliminating the need to purchase additional high or low level controls, at extra expense. How can consolidating with Randox Acusera benefit...
COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Randox is committed to quality at every stage of the production process from research and development to customer support. This commitment has been recognised through official accreditation to both national and international standards including UKAS and ISO. Accreditation to international standards ensures confidence in the quality and consistency of the products and services provided by Randox, and demonstrates compliance to internationally agreed standards. The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the only national accreditation body recognised by the...
RESOURCE HUB Visit our Resource Hub – randox.com/resource-hub to find a wealth of information to help your laboratory with all your Quality Control requirements, training, accreditation support and so much more. Have a topic of interest that you’re keen on finding out more on, send us an email and request any information we have – qualitycontrol@randox.com Brochures All Randox Quality Control brochures can be found on this resource hub, whether you’re looking for more information on our range of internal quality controls, external quality assessment of interlaboratory data management...
Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that seek stability by gaining other electrons. In their attempt to do this they often attack nearby molecules, resulting in cellular or systemic damage. Antioxidants act by preventing or slowing the damage caused by these free radicals. A reduction in total antioxidant status has been identified in several disease states, such as cancer and heart disease. Our Acusera Antioxidant Quality Controls are lyophilised for enhanced stability and cover a range of antioxidants ideal for both clinical and research use.
Antioxidant Product Range Product Description Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel) Control Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel) Calibrator Glutathione Reductase Control Glutathione Reductase Calibrator Superoxide Dismutase (Ransod) Control Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) Control Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) Calibrator Liquid ready-to-use Liquid frozen Lyophilised for enhanced stability Assayed target values provided
ANTIOXIDANTS Glutathione Peroxidase (Ransel) Control and Calibrator A bovine based, whole blood control designed for use in the routine monitoring of accuracy and precision. This product is compatible for use on most clinical chemistry analysers. • Lyophilised for enhanced stability • Stable to expiry date at 2°C to 8°C • Reconstituted stability of 3 days at 2°C to 8°C • Single point calibrator Description Ransel Control Ransel Calibrator Glutathione Reductase Control and Calibrator A bovine based control designed for use in the routine monitoring of accuracy and precision. This product is...
Blood Gas tests can provide crucial information for medical professionals in acute care environments. As such, the results they produce must be accurate and reliable to ensure correct patient diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Used in both clinical laboratories and at the point-of-care, our Acusera Blood Gas Controls have been designed to ensure ease-of-use and peace of mind. The liquid ready-to-use format ensures that no preparation time is needed and controls can be easily stored both on the ward and in the laboratory at 2ºC to 8ºC.
カタログの13ページ目を開くRandox Laboratories/ランドックスのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
LT735 Vivalytic Overview
32 ページ
Acusera New Controls
8 ページ
Acusera 24.7
24 ページ
Acusera SMART Controls
12 ページ
Company Overview
40 ページ
Reagents Brochure
64 ページ
8 ページ
RX modena
20 ページ
RX misano
20 ページ
RX Daytona Plus
20 ページ
Rx Imola
20 ページ
RX Monaco
20 ページ
2024 Product List
64 ページ
16 ページ
LT033 RIQAS Explained
64 ページ
16 ページ
Endocrine Array
4 ページ
Cerebral Arrays
4 ページ
Thyroid Arrays
4 ページ
Basic QC Stastics
8 ページ
Commutability Guide
4 ページ
52 ページ
Adiponectin LT519
28 ページ
Specific Proteins
40 ページ
Linearity sets
12 ページ
16 ページ
Diabetes Portfolio
28 ページ
Total Bile Acids
4 ページ
30 ページ
36 ページ
2 ページ
Preparing QC
1 ページ
Point of Care Testing
12 ページ
Guide to running QC
1 ページ
Tumour Marker Arrays
4 ページ
LT169 Cardiac Array
4 ページ
108 ページ
Evidence Evolution
28 ページ
16 ページ
STI Multiplex Array
8 ページ
Molecular Testing
16 ページ
Evidence Investigator
20 ページ
Fertility Array
4 ページ
Rx Daytona
16 ページ
Evidence Investigator
16 ページ
16 ページ