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Evidence Evolution
1 / 28ページ



Evidence Evolution - 1

EV IDENC E EVO L U T I ON An Evidence Series Immunoanalyser

Evidence Evolution - 2

World’s Most Advanced Immunoanalyser

Evidence Evolution - 3

R an d ox Dedicated To Improving Health Worldwide • p.04 B i o c h i p A rray Technol og y Introduction • p.05 Benefits • p.06 Ev i d e n c e E vol uti on Join the Evolution • p.08 Key Benefits • p.12 Te c h n i c al I nform ati on Process • p.15 Software • p.16 Specifications • p.18 Te s t M e nu Immunoassay, Clinical & Toxicology Test Menu • p.20 S u p p o r t i n g You Customer Support Network • p.24 Why Buy Evo

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In 2002, Randox invented a world first, Biochip Array Technology, instantly changing the landscape of diagnostic testing forever. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte platform which provides an unrivalled increase in patient information per sample. Instead of a patient sample needing to be subdivided for each test result, or in some cases re-collected, Biochip Array Technology offers a diagnostic patient profile with each patient sample. So now the patient’s needs become the focus, as Biochip Array Technology delivers the multiple results needed for improved diagnosis. With over £250...

Evidence Evolution - 5

01 • Biochip Array Technology • Introduction Biochip Array Technology is a precision multiplex testing platform allowing for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip Array Technology uniquely offers immunoassay diagnostic testing for simultaneous multi-analyte biomarker detection. After the addition of a single patient sample to the biochip, analytes present in the sample bind to the specific biochip bound ligands. The degree of binding is determined using a chemiluminescent light source and quantified using a Charge...

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01 • Biochip Array Technology • Benefits Precise Testing • Biochip Array Technology has a proven high standard of precise test results with CVs <10% • Multiplex analysis minimises analytical variation between tests Optimum Efficiency • Dedicated multi-analyte reagents and quality control material manufactured by Randox provide highly efficient testing whilst minimising wastage • This ensures Biochip Array Technology is a truly eff ective end-to-end solution True Cost Reduction • Multiplex testing reduces the amount of time and labour spent on individual tests and associated laboratory costs •...

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01 • Biochip Array Technology • Benefits Small Sample Volume • A smaller sample volume can be used to run more assays due to multiplexing • Increased patient profiling saves precious sample if further analysis is required Wide and Varied Test Menu • Randox’s vast Biochip Array Technology test menu allows clinicians to detect routine and novel markers for advanced diagnostic analysis • Randox has the world’s most innovative test development program ensuring that, with Biochip Array Technology, you are able to effortlessly add to your testing program Adaptability • Multiple sample types can...

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The Evidence Evolution opens up a new chapter in diagnostic testing. Merging unrivalled versatility, quality and efficiency, the Evidence Evolution guarantees to deliver more results, faster and more economically than its predecessors. Utilising the same multiplex technology as the fully automated Evidence, Evidence MultiSTAT and semi-automated Evidence Investigator, the Evidence Evolution is capable of processing up to 44 results from a single sample. To achieve this volume of results, you do not have to compromise on time, with the first set of results produced in less than 36 minutes...

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02 • Evidence Evolution • Key Benefits The Evidence Evolution is a highly versatile immunoanalyser which can process any required workflow including routine laboratory testing, STAT samples and true random access. Capable of achieving 2640 test results per hour with first sample reported in <36 minutes and up to 44 results reported each minute after. New biochips can be easily introduced at any stage Tests are queued using intuitive software Ability to run STAT samples as needed

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02 • Evidence Evolution • Key Benefits Innovative engineering reduces the amount of human interaction needed and is designed to be as labour saving as possible. Once the system is fully loaded it can be left unsupervised for 2 hours. This true walkaway time frees up operators and allows the laboratory to run more efficiently. Precision probe places sample on to biochip Robotic arm carries biochip to each station automatically Three incubators enable constant biochip preparation

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02 • Evidence Evolution • Key Benefits Users can set values for each target, prompting testing of another array automatically, saving valuable time and allowing for follow up tests to be conducted immediately. This feature enables clinicians to gather a more in-depth knowledge of patients from the same sample, without having to analyse the initial result. Complete result profiles provide the thorough information required to treat patients, reducing delays by eliminating the need to manually order additional tests. This method reshapes the way diagnostic testing is carried out. Easily set up...

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Initialise analyser, user loads biochips, reagents and samples Assay diluent, sample & conjugate dispensed into biochip well Biochip incubated Biochip loaded into image box & chemiluminescence measured Signal reagent dispensed into biochip well Biochip washed S te p 7 Test results reported User Step Analyser Step

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Home Our built in software provides users a wide range of testing options. The Evidence Evolution has the ability to run tests at a high throughput whilst also allowing for future scheduling of tests, meaning your lab efforts are more streamlined and more efficient. Calibration Dedicated onboard software provides detailed calibration offerings through a range of selections. By selecting a relevant criterion, a graph showing the calibration curve will be displayed. Each array being tested has either a 9-point or 10-point calibration. Calibration frequency will be array dependent, but will be...


Randox Laboratories/ランドックスのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. Acusera 24.7

    24 ページ

  2. Company Overview

    40 ページ

  3. Reagents Brochure

    64 ページ

  4. sdLDL-C

    8 ページ

  5. RX modena

    20 ページ

  6. RX misano

    20 ページ

  7. RX Daytona Plus

    20 ページ

  8. Rx Imola

    20 ページ

  9. RX Monaco

    20 ページ

  10. 2024 Product List

    64 ページ

  11. VeraSTAT-V

    16 ページ


    16 ページ

  13. Endocrine Array

    4 ページ

  14. Cerebral Arrays

    4 ページ

  15. Thyroid Arrays

    4 ページ

  16. Basic QC Stastics

    8 ページ

  17. Qnostics

    52 ページ

  18. Adiponectin LT519

    28 ページ

  19. Specific Proteins

    40 ページ

  20. Linearity sets

    12 ページ

  21. Antioxidants

    16 ページ

  22. Diabetes Portfolio

    28 ページ

  23. Total Bile Acids

    4 ページ


    30 ページ


    36 ページ

  26. HbA1c

    2 ページ

  27. Preparing QC

    1 ページ



    108 ページ

  2. Evidence

    16 ページ

  3. Molecular Testing

    16 ページ

  4. Fertility Array

    4 ページ

  5. Rx Daytona

    16 ページ

  6. Evidence

    16 ページ