グループ: Randox


EV IDENC E I N V ES T I G ATOR An Evidence Series Analyser
Adaptable, Efficient & Comprehensive
R an d ox Dedicated To Improving Health Worldwide • p.04 B i o c h i p A rray Technol og y Introduction • p.05 Benefits • p.06 Ev i d e n c e I nves ti g ator Adaptable, Efficient & Comprehensive • p.08 Key Benefits • p.10 Evidence Investigator Package • p.13 I mmu n o as say Immunoassay Testing Process • p.14 M ol e c u l ar Molecular Testing • p.15 Molecular Testing Process • p.16 Te s t M e nu Immunoassay, Toxicology, Molecular, Food • p.17 S u p p o r t i n g You Software • p.24 Specifications • p.26 Local Engineers. Global Coverage. • p.27
In 2002, Randox invented a world first; Biochip Array Technology, instantly changing the landscape of testing forever. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte platform which provides an unrivalled increase in information per sample. Instead of a sample needing to be subdivided for each test result, or in some cases re-collected, Biochip Array Technology offers a complete profile with each sample. So now the user’s requirements become the focus as Biochip Array Technology delivers the results profile needed for improved diagnosis. With over £250 million invested into Biochip Array...
01 • Biochip Array Technology Biochip Array Technology is a precision multiplex testing platform that allows for the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip Array Technology offers unique immunoassay-based diagnostic testing for simultaneous multi-analyte biomarker detection. After the addition of a sample to the biochip, analytes present in the sample bind to the specific biochip-bound ligands. The degree of binding is determined using a chemiluminescent light source and quantified using a Charge Coupled Device (CCD)...
01 • Biochip Array Technology Precise Testing • Biochip Array Technology has a proven high standard of precise test results • Multiplex analysis minimises analytical variation between tests Optimum Efficiency • Dedicated multi-analyte reagents and quality control materials are manufactured by Randox providing reliable and controlled testing • This ensures Biochip Array Technology is a truly effective end-to-end solution True Cost Reduction • Multiplex testing reduces the amount of time and labour spent on individual tests as well as associated laboratory costs • Through running tests...
01 • Biochip Array Technology Small Sample Volume • A smaller sample volume is required due to multiplexing • Increased profiling saves precious sample if further reflex analysis is required Wide and Varied Test Menu • R andox’s vast Biochip Array Technology test menu allows users to detect routine and novel markers for advanced diagnostic and research analysis • R andox has the world’s most innovative test development program. With 400 assays in development, Biochip Array Technology ensures you can effortlessly add to your testing program Adaptability • Multiple sample types can be used on...
The Evidence Investigator is a compact, semi-automated benchtop analyser that offers efficient and comprehensive testing across a range of applications including clinical diagnostics, molecular, research, toxicology and food diagnostics. Renowned for its versatility, robustness and effective reporting methods, the Evidence Investigator has been used in a wide range of laboratory settings for over 15 years. This highly advanced yet simple-to-use analyser has only one moving part, giving the user peace of mind. The Evidence Investigator contains a host of innovative on-board data analysis...
Results are generated using a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) camera, which quantifies chemiluminescent light. This light measures the degree of binding between the sample and specific biochip-bound ligands. The Evidence Investigator is extremely well-equipped to provide reliable results, while simultaneously being robust enough to withstand frequent, heavy use. The Evidence Investigator is the world’s first platform allowing consolidation of immunoassay and molecular diagnostics. This is achieved through utilising protein and DNA-based biochips. By giving the user, the ability to consolidate...
The Evidence Investigator image processing software translates light signals generated from chemiluminescent reactions into analyte concentration. This removes the need for any manual processing of data. The Evidence Investigator also has the ability to retrieve previously unreported tests so they can be displayed retrospectively. This saves time, labour costs and reduces any reagent wastage. All data is then analysed on-board, removing issues related to human error and result manipulation.
The Evidence Investigator comes supplied as part of a package, with all essential components provided. These components are approved for use with the Evidence Investigator and make it easier for the user to conduct testing immediately. Biochip carrier handling tray Barcode scanner
Add assay reagents and samples to biochips Place up to 54 biochips into the thermoshaker Add signal reagent to each biochip Biochip loaded into the analyser and imaged Test results are reported automatically
Our molecular product range offers diagnostic, prognostic and predictive solutions across a variety of disease areas including sexually transmitted infection (STI), respiratory tract infection, colorectal cancer, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Additionally, we can provide a wide range of assay formats including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) genotyping, pathogen detection and mutation detection. Pathogen Detection STI and Respiratory Multiplex Arrays Both arrays detect the most common and frequently requested infections in sexual and respiratory...
Single tube amplification using Randox multi-target primer sets Biotin-labelled amplified PCR product binds to corresponding unique biochip molecular probe Rinse away any unbound product Addition of equal volumes of luminol and peroxide to produce a chemiluminescent biochip spot signal Rinse away any unbound conjugate Addition of streptavidinlabelled horse-radish peroxidase to produce a biotin-streptavidin -enzyme complex The system’s CCD camera analyses the spots on each biochip. The process takes 2.5 minutes per carrier Easy to interpret positive/ negative reports generated by the...
カタログの16ページ目を開くRandox Laboratories/ランドックスのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
LT735 Vivalytic Overview
32 ページ
Acusera New Controls
8 ページ
Acusera 24.7
24 ページ
Acusera Third Party Controls
108 ページ
Acusera SMART Controls
12 ページ
Company Overview
40 ページ
Reagents Brochure
64 ページ
8 ページ
RX modena
20 ページ
RX misano
20 ページ
RX Daytona Plus
20 ページ
Rx Imola
20 ページ
RX Monaco
20 ページ
2024 Product List
64 ページ
16 ページ
LT033 RIQAS Explained
64 ページ
16 ページ
Endocrine Array
4 ページ
Cerebral Arrays
4 ページ
Thyroid Arrays
4 ページ
Basic QC Stastics
8 ページ
Commutability Guide
4 ページ
52 ページ
Adiponectin LT519
28 ページ
Specific Proteins
40 ページ
Linearity sets
12 ページ
16 ページ
Diabetes Portfolio
28 ページ
Total Bile Acids
4 ページ
30 ページ
36 ページ
2 ページ
Preparing QC
1 ページ
Point of Care Testing
12 ページ
Guide to running QC
1 ページ
Tumour Marker Arrays
4 ページ
LT169 Cardiac Array
4 ページ
108 ページ
Evidence Evolution
28 ページ
16 ページ
STI Multiplex Array
8 ページ
Molecular Testing
16 ページ
Evidence Investigator
20 ページ
Fertility Array
4 ページ
Rx Daytona
16 ページ
Evidence Investigator
16 ページ
16 ページ