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647 UNISEX • THORACIC-LUMBO-SACRAL DYNAMIC CORSET (PROVIDED WITH SHOULDER BRACES, OPTIONAL) FEATURES aTwo independent front straps can be overlapped and adjusted individually. aElastic dorsal rods for a perfect back fit. aSuspenders for shoulder braces can be provided, allowing a tailored therapeutic plan for the patient. TECHNICAL FEATURES HEIGHTS 47 cm on the back and double adjustable strap from 20 to 32 cm on the front. FABRICS Microgrip elastic bandage. (Self-grip fleece open-work microfiber). RIBS two removable paravertebral 2008 42cm long and two fixed 1508 38 cm long. CLOSURE velcro. COLOUR nude. ADDITIONAL provided with shoulder braces (optional). VARIANTS 647/B/43 43 cm high on the back and double adjustable strap from 16 to 26 cm on the front. SPECIAL WITH DOUBLE FRONT STRAP



  1. Winner+

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