MultiLab® Series II ERGO IDC
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MultiLab® Series II ERGO IDC - 1

ERGONOMICALLY ENHANCED TOUCH SCREEN CONTROL The MultiLab* Series II LHS ERGO IDC is designed and tested in accordance with IS013485:2003 standards. Designed and manufactured in the United States, The MultiLab* meets the rigors of everyday use. In the vascular lab. physicians office, mobile technologist s vehicle, and hospitals. The system will prove accurate Touch Screen Controls feature large, easy to read buttons, unlike other instruments that use small icons or analog switches Calibrated Dual Channel Pulse Volume Recording (C-PVFT) Unsurpassed Clinical Accuracy Easily Custom-configurable Studies and Reports Touch Screen Control Network Compliant (DICOM) wirelss remote maximum flexibility • 19" Touch Screen Monitor on a Axis mount for Economically correct usage • 31 inches from Center of Cart movement • Touch-Screen and Keyboard are moisture-proof for ease Now with Infectious Disease Control Sample Printed Reports: Waveforms are never compromised by averaging or resizing. This attention to detail ensures that all aspects ol each waveform are dearly displayed and reports mosl accurate available.

MultiLab® Series II ERGO IDC - 2

The MuttiLab* Series ILHS ERGO DC is de&tgnej to perform al standard ronrrvasive arterial and venous studies i ncorporat ing. * 8 MHz Bkiretbonat Doppfcr Probe • 5 MHz Stfrecbonel Ctoppler Probe * Cetfbnaed Dual Chwd Pulse Volume RecorrJng IC - PVR n * Dual Channel Riotoplethysmograph * Marod Temperture Sonsor (optaonal) GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS talrument Feature* * 19" Flat Touch Saw Ccta Moritor • Pentium or Equivalent CPU w/ Hard Disk Drive •DVD Writer and Floppy Drive • Windows XP OpenKirc System * Color Inkjet Printer (Hewlett P*ck*rd usualry supf*ri, HP Laser Primer optional) • Custom...


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