Bisphenol A
1 / 2ページ



Bisphenol A - 1

BISPHENOL A (BPA) in the environment ELISA-VIDITEST • detection of BPA contamination in water • detection of BPA contamination in soil • etection of BPA released from food d containers competitive ELISA detection limit: 10 µg/L comparing the sample optical density to the standard curve otal time of the assay: 2,25 h. t tandards in ready-to-use format ...the way to the correct results VIDIA spol. s r.o. Nad Safinou II 365, Vestec 252 42 Jesenice u Prahy Czech Republic Technical support Tel.: +420 261 090 560 E-mail: info@vidia

Bisphenol A - 2

ELISA-VIDITEST BISPHENOL A measures BPA in water and soil • ELISA-VIDITEST BISPHENOL A is based on the competition between the BPA presented in the sample and the BPA immobilized at the surface of the microwells. The analyte competes for binding sites at the anti-BPA polyclonal chicken antibody. The antibodies that remain available to bind to the surface are detected with anti-chicken antibody peroxidase conjugate. BPA concentration in the sample is inversely proportional to the color developed by the enzyme catalyzed reaction of the conjugate with a chromogenic substrate (TMB), i.e. low...


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