
HSV - 1

• iagnosis of HSV1 and HSV2 infections: labial and genital herpes, herpetic D gingivostomatitis, herpesvirus neuroinfections, interstitial pneumonia • ifferential diagnosis of neurological diseases (aseptic and focal encephalitis, D meningitis, myelitis, neuritis) • ifferential diagnosis of eye infections D • ifferential diagnosis of exanthema D • ifferential diagnosis of ulcerations in genital area D ...the way to the correct results VIDIA spol. s r.o. Nad Safinou II 365, Vestec 252 42 Jesenice u Prahy Czech Republic Technical support Tel.: +420 261 090 575 E-mail: info@vidia.cz www

HSV - 2

Complex serological analysis of HSV infections with IVD certified kits catalogue number Specificity and sensitivity: Number of samples IgG Reasons to use ELISA-VIDITEST • omplete range of tests for the herpesvirus infections (CMV, EBV, VZV, HSV) C • he same dilution buffers and reaction conditions in all tests T • gG kits in either qualitative or quantitative versions I – validated for the detection of antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid • F sorbent in IgM kits – higher specificity R and sensitivity • eady to use controls and calibrators R • ossibility of use in the automatic...


VIDIA s.r.oのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. LIA Borrelia+TBEV

    2 ページ

  2. HHV-6

    4 ページ

  3. LIA Borrelia

    4 ページ

  4. Vidimat-Monotests

    2 ページ

  5. Vidimat

    4 ページ

  6. Gastro Rapid tests

    2 ページ

  7. Borrelia

    4 ページ

  8. TBEV

    4 ページ

  9. JCV

    4 ページ

  10. Bisphenol A

    2 ページ

  11. CMV

    2 ページ

  12. EBV

    4 ページ

  13. Microcystin

    2 ページ

  14. VZV

    4 ページ

  15. Cellular immunity

    4 ページ