![Wuhan YZY MEDICAL Science and Technology - logo](https://img.medicalexpo.com/ja/images_me/logo-p/L4577875.gif)
![YZY MED- Rapid FISH Probe List - 1](https://img.medicalexpo.com/pdf/repository_me/4577875/yzy-med-rapid-fish-probe-list-271627_1m.jpg)
Shelf life:lyear Specification: 10tests/kit Product Name Supply Format YZY-ISH-P062A SRD(1 p36) Gene Deletion Probe Detection Kit YZY-ISH-P034A KMT2A Gene Deletion Probe Detection Kit YZY-ISH-P151A RBI Gene Deletion Probe Detection Kit YZY-ISH-P170A EWSR1 Dual Color Break Apart Probe YZY-ISH-P193A FKHR Dual Color Break Apart Probe YZY-ISH-P174A RARA Dual Color Break Apart Probe YZY-ISH-P194A MDM2 Gene Probe Detection Kit YZY-ISH-P153A MYC Dual Color Break Apart Probe YZY-ISH-P202A SSI 8 (18q11) (SYT) Dual Color Break Apart Probe YZY-ISH-P211A FUS(16p11) Dual Color Break Apart Probe CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO YZYim FISH Product Catalogue Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization THE RIGHT DRUG FOR THE RIGHT PATIENT |prenatal Diagnosis Shelf life:1year Specification: lOtests/kit Cat. No Product Name Supply Format YZY-ISH-P199A Chromosome X/Y Probe Detection Kit CE-IVD/RUO YZY-ISH-P212A Gene Probe Kit for DiGeorge Syndrome CE-IVD/RUO YZY-ISH-P213A SHOX Gene Deletion Probe Detection Kit CE-IVD/RUO |other Disease Shelflife:1year Specification: 10tests/kit Cat. No Product Name Supply Format ALK Dual Color Break Apart Probe PIK3CA gene Probe Detection Kit IGH/MAF Gene Fusion Probe Detection Kit MET Gene Probe Detection Kit PTEN Gene Probe Detection Kit ROS1 Dual Color Break Apart Probe 1 p/19q Deletion Probe Detection Kit FGFR3 Dual Color Break Apart Probe 5q Probe Detection Kit 7q11.23 Deletion Probe Detection Kit GLP13/GLP21 /CSP18/GLPX/CSPY Probe CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO CE-IVD/RUO WUHAN YZY MEDICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Address: 4th & 5th floor. Unit 1, Building 23, Phase 1& 2 , Wuhan Optics Valley International Bio-pharmaceutical Enterprise Accelerator, 388 Gaoxin 2nd Road, Optics Valley, East Lake Hi-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, R.R.China 430075 Tel: 400-8013-133 Email: info@yzymedical.com Website: www.yzymed.com
カタログの1ページ目を開く![YZY MED- Rapid FISH Probe List - 2](https://img.medicalexpo.com/pdf/repository_me/4577875/yzy-med-rapid-fish-probe-list-271627_2m.jpg)
Shelf Life:lyear Specification: 10 tests/kit | MDS (Myelodysplastic syndrome) Shelflife:lyear Specification: lOtests/kit Product Name Supply Format Product Name Supply Format Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Sample Processing Kit (FISH) Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Sample Processing Kit (F900- Tissue) Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Sample Processing Kit (F900-cell) Automatic FISH Slide Processing System F900 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Instrument -F10 IVD/RUO IVD/RUO IVD/RUO RUO RUO Probe Kit (CTC Downstream) Shelf life: lyear Specification: lOtests/kit Product Name...