
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Surgical Technique
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Trabecular Metal Modular Acetabular System Surgical Technique Provisional Shell Positioning and Alignment 3 Provisional Liner and Trial Range of Motion 3 Implant Positioning and Alignment 4 Locking Ring Replacement (if required) 7
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Acetabular Reaming Component Sizing Use the reamer to prepare the acetabular implant site. Hold the reamer steady and apply pressure in the same direction that the prosthesis will be implanted. Provisional shell sizes match the outside dimensions of the acetabular reamers. The elliptical Trabecular Metal Modular Acetabular Cup provides 2mm of interference fit at its periphery if the labeled cup size matches the last reamer size used. For example, the 54mm acetabular cup has an outer diameter of 56mm at its rim, but matches the height of the...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Provisional Shell Positioning and Alignment Ensure the patient is in the correct position. With the Provisional Shell connected to the positioner, insert the Provisional Shell into the prepared site. Keep the slaphammer portion of the positioner vertical, and “A-Frame” or “Gunsight” extension parallel with the patient’s body, to achieve 45 degrees abduction and 20 degrees forward flexion. Note: The Provisional Shell has protruding, 1mm teeth around the rim for stability during trial reduction. It also has fenestrations so that the cup seating can...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Positioner Assembly Thread the implant onto the positioner securely. Position alignment connector as shown. Alignment connector should be in line with locking ring access. Impact alignment connector to engage onto the taper. Tighten Locking Nut. Impaction will be applied primarily to the dome of the implant. Alignment Connector Locking Ring Access Alternatively: The Rim Impactor can be utilized. Remove the cap from the Cup Positioner and replace with the Rim Impactor. The Rim Impactor size should correspond with the implant size selected. The...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Implant Orientation The potential for neurologic and vascular injury can be minimized if the posterior quadrants are used for trans-acetabular screw placement.* The cluster-holed shell should be positioned to allow screw placement in the posterior superior and/or posterior inferior quadrants of the acetabulum. Posterior Superior Posterior Inferior Anterior Superior * Wasielewski RC, Cooperstein LA, Kruger MP, Rubash HE. Acetabular anatomy and the transacetabular fixation of screws in total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg. 1990:72-A,4,501-508....
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Screw Insertion If screw placement is desired, drill a pilot hole by placing the drill through the Drill Guide in the desired screw hole (A). Measure the hole’s depth with the Depth Gauge (B). Before inserting screws, attach the Torque Limiter to the Screwdriver (C). Avoid overtightening of screws and potential advancement through the shell screw hole. Note: The Torque Limiter does not eliminate the need for surgeon evaluation of bone quality, appropriate screw selection, and torque control. Select the appropriate length screw and insert it in the...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Liner Insertion Push the liner into the shell. Impaction may be necessary to fully engage liner into shell. Watch for the locking tabs to open and then close together. There will be a 2mm to 3mm gap between the locking ring tabs. The prosthetic liner is fully seated when the locking ring tabs can be moved from side-to-side with a probe. The ring serves to lock the liner in place. It must float freely inside the shell to function properly. Locking Ring Replacement (if required) If upon inspection, it is determined that the locking ring is not...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Final Reduction Perform final reduction to assess range of motion, hip stability, and limb length. If “fine tuning” or a different liner style is needed, use the Disassembly Device to remove the liner.
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Product Information Trabecular Metal Acetabular Shells SHELLS are available in 2mm OD increments 6202-SHELL OD-SHELL TYPE Polyethylene Liner Thickness Shell OD Polyethylene Liner 00-6202-038-21 Trabecular Metal Acetabular Shell, 38mm, Solid Longevity Crosslinked Polyethylene Liners Liners are available in 2mm increments Shell sizes 50, 52, and 54 use the same size liner. 00-6202-070-21 Trabecular Metal Acetabular Shell, 70mm, Solid Cluster-Holed 00-6202-038-22 Trabecular Metal Acetabular Shell, 38mm, Cluster 00-6202-080-22 Trabecular Metal...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System For more information on the Trilogy® Longevity Constrained Liners and Instrumentation, refer to the Sugical Technique Lit # 97-6334-002-00. Polyethylene Liners Polyethylene Liners Liner Provisionals Liners are available in 2mm increments Shell sizes 50, 52, and 54 use the same size liner. Liners are available in 2mm increments Shell sizes 50, 52, and 54 use the same size liner. Liner Provisionals are available in 2mm increments. Shell sizes 50, 52, and 54 use the same size provisional liner. Locking Screws are ordered separately. Eccentric Liner...
Trabecular Metal™ Modular Acetabular System Description Neutral Provisional Liner Set - 26mm (Includes one each of items below) Neutral Provisional Liner, 26mm Through i Neutral Provisional Liner, 26mm 10° Elev. Provisional Liner Set - 26mm (Includes one each of items below) 10° Elev. Provisional Liner, 26mm Through i 10° Elev. Provisional Liner, 26mm 20° Elev. Provisional Liner Set - 26mm (Includes one each of items below) 20° Elev. Provisional Liner, 26mm Through i 20° Elev. Provisional Liner, 26mm Neutral Jumbo Provisional Liner Set 26mm (Includes one each of items below) Neutral Jumbo...
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