
TELESCOPIC BRIDGE MADE OF COCRONIT SUPERIOR WITH TEETH IN ABRO® BASIC MULTISTRATUM® Available data: Photos, analogue and digitised master models, analogue and digitised temporary restoration Initial situation: Heavily impaired residual dentition Planned restoration: Removable telescopic bridge made of Cocronit Superior* with a tertiary structure made of Abro® Basic Multistratum® resin individualisation using the virtual tooth library Heroes Collection - Digital design of the telescopes in Cocronit Superior in the Zirkonzahn.Modellier software and subsequent milling in the M2 Dual...
100 % PRECISION AND FUNCTION Dr. Manrique Fonseca MDT Alexander Bassermann DT Jürgen Feierabend – Zirkonzahn Education Center Brunico, South Tyrol, Italy
MORE INFORMATION NEW! ABRO® BASIC MULTISTRATUM® - PMMA-based resin with natural colour gradient from dentin to enamel With improved material properties in terms of excellent translucency values, high flexural strength as well as fracture and abrasion resistance Specifically designed for the production of denture teeth, long-term temporaries as well as secondary and tertiary structures Available in dentine shades; individual design of the gingival H U M A N Z I RCON I U M T EC H NOL O GY Zirkonzahn Worldwide – Tel +39 0474 066 680 – info@zirkonzahn.com – www.zirkonzahn.com NEW! 1 ORBIT – 4...
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