V-Com™ Patient Information


Catalog excerpts

V-Com™ Patient Information - 1

V-Com™ Patient Information Whether you are struggling to become compliant with your therapy or simply seeking out a way to make therapy more comfortable, you have come to the right place! The V-Com™ is an exciting innovation in PAP therapy designed to make breathing on a CPAP more comfortable. Caring For Your V-Com™ How to Use the V-Com ™ 1. Before you begin, confirm Keeping your CPAP equipment clean is an extremely important part of therapy. This includes keeping your V-Com ™ clean. Cleaning the V-Com ™ device is simple and takes just a few minutes. Your V-Com ™ should be cleaned every 24 hours or after each use. your PAP device is turned off. V-Com™ device from the package and attach it to the hose between your PAP device and the mask. are secure before turning on your PAP device. mask in place according to the manufacturer’s instructions, turn on your machine and get a good night’s sleep! 5. Clean your V-Com™ device after each use or each 24hour period per the instructions below. 6. If you want to use V-Com™ long term, it should be replaced every 3 months (similar to hoses, masks, etc.) 1. Remove the V-Com™ from your mask circuit 2. Inspect the V-Com ™ for any damage including cracks or other damage. If your V-Com ™ device is damaged, it should be replaced before using. This includes checking to be certain that the airway flow is not impeded. 3. Wash your V-Com™ with soap (e.g., Liquid dish soap) and water inserting a small, bristled brush in both ends of the V-Com™ device to penetrate and clean the complete airflow path. Twist the brush several times. Small Bristled brushes can be found in retailers such as target or online from Amazon and similar retailers. Do NOT place the V-Com™ device in the dishwasher. This may damage or destroy the V-Com™ device) 4. Let the V Com ™ Completely air dry 5. Once the device is completely dry it may be placed back

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V-Com™ Patient Information - 2

QA Q: Do you need a prescription for the V-Com ™? A: Wh i le the V- Com ™ it se lf doe s n ot req u i re a pres cr iption , PA P dev ice s a n d Ma s ks do require a pre script ion . We re commend dis cussin g V-Com ™ w ith your P hys ician an d/or care te am p rio r to us e. Q: How long will I need to use the V-Com ™? A: H ow long you us e V-Com™ is co mp l e tely up to you. Th e re ’s n o n e e d to remove it, it ’s de sign e d to ma ke your PAP the rapy more co mfort able. Most people will d eve l o p tolerance to t h e pe ak flows a n d p re ss ures of PAP t h e rapy ove r a p e rio d...

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