Group: 3B Scientific
Catalog excerpts
.going one step further
Open the catalog to page 1Dens Lingua Palatum durum Palatum molle Uvula palatina Pharynx Oesophagus Gaster Cardia Fundus gastricus Curvatura minor Curvatura major Pylorus Duodenum Pancreas Splen Vesica biliaris Hepar Lobus hepatis dexter Lobus hepatis sinister Lobus quadratus Ductus cysticus Ductus hepaticus communis V. portae hepatis A. hepatica propria Intestinum tenue Jejunum Ileum Valva ileocaecalis Intestinum crassum Colon ascendens Colon transversum Colon descendens Caecum Appendix vermiformis Rectum
Open the catalog to page 3Tooth Tongue Hard palate Soft palate Palatine uvula Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Cardia Fundus of stomach Lesser curvature Greater curvature Pylorus Duodenum Pancreas Spleen Gallbladder Liver Right lobe of liver Left lobe of liver Quadrate lobe Cystic duct Common hepatic duct Hepatic portal vein Proper hepatic artery Small intestine Jejunum Ileum Ileocecal valve [Bauhin‘s valve] Large intestine Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Caecum Appendix Rectum
Open the catalog to page 4Zahn Zunge Harter Gaumen Weicher Gaumen Gaumenzäpfchen Rachen Speiseröhre Magen Kardia Magengrund Kleine Magenkrümmung Große Magenkrümmung Magenpförtner Zwölffingerdarm Bauchspeicheldrüse Milz Gallenblase Leber Rechter Leberlappen Linker Leberlappen Quadratischer Leberlappen Gallenblasengang Gemeinsamer Lebergang Pfortader Eigene Leberschlagader Dünndarm Leerdarm Krummdarm Blinddarmklappe Dickdarm Aufsteigender Dickdarm Querdarm Absteigender Dickdarm Blinddarm Wurmfortsatz Enddarm
Open the catalog to page 5Diente Lengua Paladar duro Paladar blando Úvula palatina Faringe Esófago Estómago Cardias Estómago, fondo Curvatura menor Curvatura mayor Píloro Duodeno Páncreas Bazo Vesícula biliar Hígado Lóbulo derecho Lóbulo izquierdo Lóbulo cuadrado Conducto cístico Conducto hepático común V. porta hepática A. hepática propia Intestino delgado Yeyuno Íleon Válvula ileocecal Intestino grueso Colon ascendente Colon transverso Colon descendiente Ciego Apéndice vermiforme Recto
Open the catalog to page 6K20 Appareil digestif, en 2 parties K21 Appareil digestif, en 3 parties Dent Langue Palais dur Palais mou Uvule palatine Pharynx Œsophage Estomac Cardia Fundus gastrique Petite courbure Grande courbure Pylore Duodénum Pancréas Rate Vésicule biliaire Foie Lobe hépatique droit Lobe hépatique gauche Lobe carré Conduit cystique Conduit hépatique commun Veine porte Artère hépatique propre Intestin grêle Jéjunum Iléum Valvule iléocaecale Gros intestin Côlon ascendant Côlon transverse Côlon descendant Cæcum Appendice vermiforme Rectum
Open the catalog to page 7Dente Língua Palato duro Paladar mole Úvula Faringe Esôfago Estômago Cárdia gástrico Fundo do estômago (fundo de saco maior) Curvatura menor Curvatura maior Piloro Duodeno Pâncreas Baço Vesícula biliar Fígado Lobo direito do fígado Lobo hepático esquerdo Lobo quadrado Ducto cístico Ducto hepático comum (ducto hepatocístico) Veia porta do fígado Artéria hepática própria Intestino delgado Jejuno Íleo Válvula ileocecálica Intestino grosso Cólon ascendente Cólon transverso Cólon descendente Ceco Apêndice vermiforme Reto
Open the catalog to page 8K20 Apparato digerente, in 2 parti K21 Apparato digerente, in 3 parti Dente Lingua Palato duro Palato molle Ugola palatina Faringe Esofago Stomaco Cardias Fondo dello stomaco Curvatura piccola Curvatura grande Piloro Duodeno Pancreas Milza Vescica biliare Fegato Lobo destro Lobo sinistro Lobo quadrato Dotto cistico Dotto epatico comune V. dell‘ilo epatico A. epatica propria Intestino tenue Digiuno Ileo Valvola ileocecale Intestino crasso Colon ascendente Colon trasverso Colon discendente Ceco Appendice vermiforme Retto
Open the catalog to page 9歯 舌 硬口蓋 軟口蓋 口蓋垂 咽頭 食道 胃 噴門 胃底 小弯 大弯 幽門 十二指腸 膵臓 脾臓 胆嚢 肝臓 肝臓の右葉 肝臓の左葉 方形葉 胆嚢管 肝管 門脈 固有肝動脈 小腸 空腸 回腸 回盲弁 大腸 上行結腸 横行結腸 下行結腸 盲腸 虫垂 直腸
Open the catalog to page 103B S C I E NT I F I C® P R O D U C T S 3B Scientific GmbH Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany Tel.: + 49-40-73966-0 • Fax: + 49-40-73966-100 • © Copyright 2006 for instruction manual and design of product: 3B Scientific GmbH, Germany
Open the catalog to page 12All 3B Scientific catalogs and technical brochures
Atlas Product Manual
18 Pages
Cardionics Brochure Simulation
23 Pages
35 Pages
Best of Therapy
12 Pages
Manual P120/P121/P122/P124/P125
60 Pages
Medical Simulation EMS TCCC
9 Pages
35 Pages
Catalog Natural Sciences
196 Pages
L50, L51, L55
36 Pages
P80 SIMone Product Manual
52 Pages
N30 / N31 Product Manual
12 Pages
P10/1,P11/1 product manual
11 Pages
P10CCD product manual
16 Pages
P10CCD product brochure
2 Pages
P72+light Product manual
28 Pages
P72+light Product brochure
2 Pages
P16 Product manual
8 Pages
P16 Product brochure
2 Pages
Female Breast
30 Pages
16 Pages
9 Pages
24 Pages
3B Smart Anatomy
3 Pages
16 Pages
20 Pages
13 Pages
48 Pages
16 Pages
A05/2 ,A11, A13
18 Pages
A290 A291
20 Pages
G21, G22
9 Pages
12 Pages
16 Pages
D25 Half Lower Jaw
13 Pages
D20 Dentition Development
12 Pages
12 Pages
30 Pages
C15, C16, C17, C18, C20
12 Pages
P57 Quick instructions
16 Pages
N15 Acupuncture Ears
2 Pages