Catalog excerpts

RelyX™ Ultimate Adhesive Resin Cement Ultimate strength. It’s that simple. CAD/CAM and glass ceramic restorations Compare the simplicity of the 3M adhesive cementation system to other leading dental cements: NX3 with OptiBond Solo Plus™/All-In-One ® d iBon Opt In-One with llNX3 Plus™ /A Solo Cement ion orat Rest er Prim Ceramic Primer Primer e esiv e Adh eer A h siv Adim er A Pr im r P Adhesive Primer Restoration Primer B Primer Ceramic Primer Alloy Ceramic Primer Adhesive Primer B Adhesive Primer B Primer A Total-etch Self-etch Adhesive Self-etch Adhesive Adhesive Total-etch Total-etch Adhesive Adhesive ® ™ II k NX3 with OptiBond Solo Plus /All-In-One iolin tac Var Syn • First-class esthetics with ® with NX3 with OptiBond NX3 with OptiBond® or or Cement Cement ™ ™ natural fluorescence nt Solo Plus /All-In-One Solo Plus /All-In-One eme Cement Catalyst ® Cement Catalyst Catalyst Cement Cement Base Restoration Primer Restoration Primer Cement Base Cement Base • Fast and easy procedure with only ® Variolink® II Variolink II two components with Syntac with Syntac ® Variolink II • otal-etch, selective etch or T with Syntac self-etch procedures Restoration Primer Bond • Proven, industry-leading bond strength Self-etch Adhesive Silane Alloy Adhesive Primer Alloy Primer B Primer Adhesive Adhesive Primer A Primer A Adhesive Adhesive B Adhesive Primer Adhesive Primer B A Primer Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Primer Multilink® Automix Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive A Adhesive Primer A Primer Primer A Multilink Multilink Automix Cement Multilink Automix systems, choose RelyX™ Ultimate Automix Adhesive Resin Cement in combination ix utom Panavia™ F 2.0 with Scotchbond™ Universal Adhesive. k® A ilin You’ll get versatile, reliable adhesiveMult eA Cement Paste A Cement Paste A Pa s t ent Cement Paste A C em cementation that’s fast and easy to ™ ™ Panavia F 2.0 F 2.0 Panavia eB Cement Paste B Cement Paste B use – all with justPanavia™ F 2.0 two components. Pa s t ent ® Scotchbond™ Scotchbond™ ™ Universal ™ Scotchbond Scotchbond Universal Adhesive Universal Universal Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive Primer Primer wo nly t nents: O p When you need extra-strength bondingo com without the hassle of complex adhesive Bond Adhesive e mat RelyX™ RelyX™ X™ Ulti Ultimate ly Ultimate ™ ™ RelyX RelyX Ultimate Re Ultimate Industry-leading bond Only two strength with fewer two OnlyOnly two components: components: components: working step
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RelyX™ Ultimate Adhesive Resin Cement When to use. RelyX™ Ultimate Adhesive Resin Cement in combination with Scotchbond™ Universal Adhesive is indicated for final cementation of lower strength materials. • CAD/CAM and glass ceramic restorations • Resin-nano ceramics (e.g. Lava™ Ultimate CAD/CAM Restorative) • All-ceramic, composite or metal inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges • 2 - 3-unit Maryland bridges and 3-unit inlay/onlay bridges* • All-ceramic or composite veneers • All-ceramic, composite, or metal restorations to implant abutments • Posts and screws * Excluded for patients with...
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