Catalog excerpts

E 77 E ANNIVERSARY th UriSed 2 Automated Urine Sediment Analyzer Whole viewfield microscopic images of sediment Automatic identification and classification of urine particles Cost-effective operation without any special liquid reagents Low sample volume; fully automated sample preparation Liquid level detection (both in test tubes and cuvettes) Optimized centrifuge to prevent particle destruction Unique pipette washing technology, no need for special cleaning solution User friendly and flexible software; easy operation via PC workstation Unidirectional / bidirectional interface with host computer / LIS Automated QC analysis and self-check Software and language upgrades via USB stick Proficiency and efficiency in urinalysis in the most convenient way The best choice for those who want to see The Full Picture Besides preserving all its former attractive features, the new version of LabUMat has been significantly improved for an even better performance. Continuing its predecessor's mission, LabUMat 2 is a high quality and reliable instrument meeting the requirements of modern, automated laboratories and providing walk-away operation. The UriSed 2 is a is a professional urine sediment analyzer detecting urine particles in urine sediment with high accuracy. This instrument performs sample preparation, takes several images of each sample through its built-in microscope and evaluates them using the AIEM (Auto Image Evaluation Module) which is high quality image processing software. Easy operation via touch screen, automatic handling of test strips and test tubes – including sample mixing and precise dosing for each test pad by the pipetting unit –, an advanced detection technique and intelligent data management provide maximum efficiency while making urinalysis simple. The UriSed 2 microscopic urine sediment analyzer is a stand-alone instrument, which can be connected to the LabUMat 2 urine strip reader. Together, the two instruments make up a Complete Urine Laboratory System. UriSed 2 belongs to the "Facelift" generation of the UriSed technology. Like its former mode, UriSed 2 offers a reliable and standardized method for urine sedimentation while it is featured by even more improved performance. The LabUMat 2 urine strip reader is a stand-alone instrument, which can be connected to UriSed 2 microscopic urine sediment analyzer. Together, the two instruments make up a Complete Urine Laboratory System. 77 Elektronika 77 Elektronika 1116 Budapest, Fe h é r v á r i ú t 9 8 . HUNGARY Sales Hotline: +36 1 481-0139 Te l . : + 3 6 1 2 0 6 - 1 4 8 0 Fa x : + 3 6 1 2 0 6 - 1 4 8 1 Email: sales@e77.hu w w w. e 7 7 . h u 77 Elektronika develops and manufactures in vitro medical diagnostic devices, mainly blood glucose monitoring systems and urine analyzers. The products are supplied all over the world under 77 Elektronika's own brand and also as OEM products for market-leading multinational companies. 77 Elektronika was established in 1986 with its headquarters in Hungary (EU). Since its establishment, the company has been developing dynamically to the complete satisfaction of its customers UPA-9301-6 Methodology: reflectance photometer, 4 discrete wavelengths Evaluated parameters: Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, Ketones, Ascorbic acid, Glucose, Protein, Blood, pH, Nitrite, Leucocytes via LabStrip U11 Plus (GL) urine test strip Specific gravity, Color, turbidity via PMC (Physical Measurement Cell) module Max. throughput: up to 240 tests / hour Batch size: 100 test tubes Min. sample volume: 2.0 ml (checked by liquid level sensor) Memory: max 10,000 results Display: 800x600 TFT Size: 600x650x635 mm (LxDxH) Weight: 55 kg Input: 100-250V AC / 50-60 Hz Power consumption: max 200 W Interfaces: USB, RS232 serial port, PS2, VGA Printer: built-in thermal printer Barcode reader: built-in barcode reader N ANNIVERSARY Fast and reliable Spotting method: sample dosage by pipetting unit Unique pipette washing technology, no need for special cleaning solution Low sample volume; liquid level detection Advanced, patented detection technique; built-in refractometer User friendly and flexible software; easy operation via color touch screen Improved result management Unidirectional / bidirectional interface with host computer / LIS Automated QC analysis and self-check Software and language upgrades via USB stick Technical features 25 KTRO A th LE IK 77 N A 25 KTRO IK LabUMat 2 Automated Urine Chemistry Analyzer LE For professional use IVD
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UriSed 2 Patented measurement process & highlights of UriSed LabUMat 2 & UriSed 2 Complete Urine Laboratory System Empty cuvette is placed to filling position Sample in test tube is homogenized Sample is aspirated from test tube Sample is injected into cuvette Centrifuge process is performed l UriSed 2 has a reproducible method for the preparation and evaluation of urine samples, which is based on the automation of traditional manual process. Sample aspiration probe is cleaned Cuvette is placed to first microscope position Used cuvette is placed into the waste bin Focusing process is...
Open the catalog to page 2All 77 Elektronika catalogs and technical brochures
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