Model 2200 & Model 2300
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Model 2200 & Model 2300 - 1

The Model 2200 Analog Stimulus Isolator is designed to electrically isolate any waveform shape generated by an external signal source. The signal is DC-coupled, and can take on any waveshape within its wide bandwidth, including pulses. Six output scaling options are available, covering a wide range of constant current and constant voltage levels. For a given change in the input signal, the Model 2200 output would scale according to the front panel settings. If for any reason the instrument cannot follow the input signal, an error indicator lights. The Model 2300 Digital Stimulus Isolator is designed for applications which require electrical isolation of pulsatile waveforms used in stimulation protocols. TTL control signals from your computer control the timing and generation of pulses whose amplitudes are determined by 10-turn potentiometers on the unit's front panel. Five output ranges are available: two ranges for constant voltage stimulation, and four for constant current stimulation. If for any reason the instrument cannot deliver the requested pulses, an error indicator lights. For both units, the isolated output section is battery-powered and optically-coupled to the input section, for the ultimate in clean isolation. Two rechargeable batteries are utilized: a 9V battery that powers the control circuitry, and a 12V battery that provides the signal power. Both rechargeable batteries provides full function for at least 8 hours of continuous use. During non-use periods, it is recommended that the unit remain on a trickle charge by connection to the provided external battery charger. • Constant current or constant voltage output • Can isolate any waveform shape • Output scaled proportionally to input • 100 V compliance voltage • Low noise • Optically isolated output • Built-in battery test circuit • Built-in battery recharger • 3-year warranty • Constant current or constant voltage output • Mono- or biphasic pulse waveforms • Output amplitude set by front-panel controls • 50 V compliance voltage • Low noise • Optically isolated output • Built-in battery test circuit • Built-in battery recharger • 3-year

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Model 2200 & Model 2300 - 2

Model 2200 Analog Stimulus Isolator Input (max) ± 10 V Output (max) 100 V monopolar output voltage ± 50 V bipolar output voltage ± 5 mA output current Gain Within 0.3% of setting Bandwidth DC to 40 kHz Noise Mode RMS Noise 10 V/V <10mV Model 2300 Digital Stimulus Isolator Output (max) ± 50 V output voltage ± 5 mA output current Accuracy Within 0.15% of range Slew Rate At least 2V/microsecond Bandwidth DC to 40 kHz, < 10 psec rise time (resistive loads) Noise Mode RMS Noise 100 V <1mV Ordering Information Carlson BA (2009) Temporal-Pattern recognition by single neurons in a...

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