Model 3500
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Catalog excerpts

Model 3500 - 1

Model 3500 16-Channel Extracellular AC Amplifier The Model 3500 16-Channel Extracellular Amplifier is designed for extracellular • 16 amplifiers in one instrument neurophysiological recordings using low impedance (<1.5 megohm) electrodes, and is therefore suitable for use with suction, nerve cuff, hook, surface, and simple metal • True differential recording °n aN 16 electrodes. The instrument contains 16 independent amplifiers in a single enclosure channels allowing the researcher to record from multiple electrodes simultaneously. Ten gain stages up to x20,000 • Eight high-pass filter settings • Eight low-pass filter settings • Notch filter for power line frequency • Controlled via front-panel touch screen or free Windows-based program • Easy access output monitors • Can pass stimulation current to electrodes • Includes 16 one-meter long input cables • 16 individual output BNCs plus one ganged output connector • Includes rack mount hardware • 3-year warranty Each channel of the Model 3600 can be referenced to its own negative reference, a 17th reference channel, or ground. Gain, high-pass, low-pass, and line frequency (notch) filtering are completely independent for every channel. All channel settings can be accessed via the easy-to-use front panel touch screen interface or via an application loaded on a Windows-based computer (see reverse for additional details). In addition, users can quickly monitor on an external oscilloscope the activity on any two channels. Two stimulation inputs are also provided, allowing for recording or stimulating through the same electrode. Simply connect your stimulation signal source to the input and set the MODE switch to STIM; this eliminates the need to disconnect the electrode inputs from the amplifier. 16 one meter long input cables are included with the amplifier. Common applications for the Model 3500 16-Channel Extracellular Amplifier include, but are not limited to: ° EEG / EMG / EKG / ERG recordings ° Multiple-Unit Recordings o Evoked Potentials o Long-term Potentiation The Model 3500 16-Channel Extracellular Amplifier is designed for research grade recording quality; its straightforward interface also makes it ideal for teaching applications.

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Model 3500 - 2

Model 3500 16-Channel Extracellular AC Amplifier Software In addition to the easy-to-use touchscreen interface on the Model 3500's front panel, the instrument can also be controlled by a free Windows-based application. This program controls all aspects of the amplifier, including channel settings and program names. It can read the current settings of the instrument, as well as load programs previously stored on the instrument or on the host computer. Multiple Model 3500's can be controlled by a single application. Note-logging capabilities are included, allowing researchers to make...

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