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nruffiAe&ww Kewmxw ffiewKwKK WWKNWErc Functioning principle LaminorJtow,Ctass 10 FS 209, is blowing throughAbsotuteJitter in the work votume insurlng manipulatlon saJetg. This ai.rJtow is comptetetg sucked through loteratgrlds around work surJace ond butkheads with negative pressure.lnJoreground , olr sucking JLow rote ls 30% oJ the olr which is blown. This create s a borrter against ang contamlnatlon Jrom pathogentc maniputotion to outside in keeping saJe the monipulator. An equlvalent Jlow rate oJ 30% rs extracted through o second HEPA JLl,ter (exhaustJitter) to protect envlronment. The remainlng air ls recycling with the Jirst HEPA fiLter (main JLLter). ++++i++{++,}++{*{} Optimate 12 on odjustable stand

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&{iurmhinNwgiuml $nfutu $ahimnr ECM Fan [[Lfi.$.$.] ffiXass Born Jrom the [asf technologies, ECM Jans are characterised bg continuous current alimentation. Thus helps to get the greotest gietds, up to 80o/o against 4Ao/o onLil,Jor a standardJan. This high rate ls according,to ?verg l,ow e\ectrLc consumptlon (tess 3Oo/o to 406/oi, and os wet[, gou beneJltjrom a low sound LeveL. lnJo,rmation surve.g is easitg treated, Ln beneJltLng Jrom el,ectio'nLc controt igstem with an automatlc JIow rate regul,atLon the microprocessor-analyies mang parometers su?h as intensitg, coupte, motor vetocitg,...

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All ADS Laminaire catalogs and technical brochures


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