Catalog excerpts

Anesthesia Machine safe and reliable The anesthesia machine Advanced® AM-6000 is a compact and integrated anesthesia transmitting system. The anesthetic ventilator used in the system is controlled by microprocessor. And it configures monitor internally, volume mode, and other functions optional. The Anesthesia machine is applicable for patients(adult and child) of over 2kg with standard configuration. The Anesthesia machine is mainly used in the Operating Room of hospital, and also used in Emergency Room, Drug Addiction Treatment Center etc. where needs anesthesia.
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operation with auto ventilation, but also monitors and ventilator used in the system is controlled by microprocessor, and it configures monitor internally, volume mode, and other functions. message notice of the ventilator are all displayed in the user interface. section is message area, the middle section is monitor area, the under is parameter area. Breathing system is mainly used to store fresh gas including anesthetic gas, oxygen, and absorb waste gas. It directly connects to airway to support patient’s respiration. P/V Loop Horizontal abscissa displays Paw fixed range:-20~ 80cmH2O,gain...
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AM-6000 Technical Speciÿcations Pneumatic Central Gas Requirements Gas Supply Connectors Cylinders Requirements Cylinder connectors Flowmeters O2 280-600 kPa (40 PSI-87 PSI) / N2O 280-600 kPa (40 PSI-87 PSI) / Air 280-600 kPa (40 PSI-87 PSI) Diameter Indexed (DISS) threaded body as per CGA-V5 Three (3) E-Cylinders O2, N2O, Air PIN Indexed (PISS) per CGA-V5 Fresh gas flowmeters O2 high range 1-10L/min, O2 low range 0L/min-1L/min N2O high range 1-12L/min N2O low range 0L/min-1L/min Air high range 1-15L/min Air low range 0L/min-1L/min Hypoxic Guard Provides a minimum of 21% concentration of...
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Dimensions: Height Width Depth Weight Drawers Height Mounting Rails Environmental Specifications Mains power supply: 120 VAC 60Hz, Battery 24 Volts 10A total Approx 200VA Captive line cord 2 x 12v/5Ah rechargeable sealed lead acid Approx. 120 minutes 8 hours max. when machine is on 4 outlets fused (120V / 2A each) hospital grade Rear Casters Power and battery back-up Current input Power consumption Power cord Battery Battery run time Battery charge time Auxiliary outlets Drawers Deep Front Casters Physical Specifications Galvanic / Display range: 0 - 100% / Resolution: 1vol/vol% 18 -99...
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2018 Advanced Instrumentations Inc., is a U.S.A registered company – All rights reserved. All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation. Advanced Instrumentations reserves the right to make changes to this document and the product described herein, at any time, without obligation on Advanced Instrumentations to provide notification of such change. Actual...
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