Catalog excerpts

Test before prescribing RELIABLE: as accurate as a laboratory QUICK: result available exactly when needed EASY TO USE: simple to operate – even by non-laboratory personnel
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QuikRead CRP is a simple test for quantitative measurement of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP is normally present at very low concentrations in the blood of healthy people. CRP concentrations are markedly increased in bacterial infections, whereas viral infections mostly induce a very modest elevation or none at all. In addition to clinical signs, measurement of CRP can therefore be used as a basic tool to distinguish bacterial infections from viral infections. Monitoring CRP levels also provides an objective means of assessing treatment response, as CRP levels fall rapidly as a result of...
Open the catalog to page 2All Aidian Oy catalogs and technical brochures
QuikRead go iFOBT
2 Pages
Hygicult Family Brochure
2 Pages
Easicult Family Brochure
2 Pages
QuikRead Connectivity
2 Pages
QuikRead go CRP+Hb
2 Pages
QuikRead go CRP
2 Pages
QuikRead go wrCRP+Hb
2 Pages
QuikRead go wrCRP
2 Pages
QuikRead go System Family
2 Pages
QuikRead go Products
2 Pages
QuikRead go Instrument
2 Pages
QuikRead U-ALB
2 Pages
Cultura M
2 Pages
QuikRead go Connectivity
2 Pages
Orion GenRead
2 Pages