Catalog excerpts

Quantitative testing in the best interest of the patient
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Quantitative testing in the best interest of the patient. QuikRead go® iFOBT is a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) for detection and quantification of hemoglobin (Hb) in faeces. The test provides quantitative (numerical), instrument-read results in minutes. Many people do not experience symptoms in the early stages of CRC. However, the blood vessels of colorectal polyps or cancers are often fragile and easily bleed into the colon or rectum. In healthy individuals, small quantities of lower gastrointestinal bleeding is normal, but it may also be a symptom of a gastrointestinal disorder. In...
Open the catalog to page 2All Aidian Oy catalogs and technical brochures
Hygicult Family Brochure
2 Pages
Easicult Family Brochure
2 Pages
QuikRead Connectivity
2 Pages
QuikRead go CRP+Hb
2 Pages
QuikRead go CRP
2 Pages
QuikRead go wrCRP+Hb
2 Pages
QuikRead go wrCRP
2 Pages
QuikRead go System Family
2 Pages
QuikRead go Products
2 Pages
QuikRead go Instrument
2 Pages
QuikRead U-ALB
2 Pages
QuikRead CRP
2 Pages
Cultura M
2 Pages
QuikRead go Connectivity
2 Pages
Orion GenRead
2 Pages