Anti-Hu Ki67
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Anti-Hu Ki67 - 1

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET | Antibody for PhenoCode Signature AKOYABIOSCIENCES' THE SPATIAL BIOLOGY COMPANY* Anti-Hu Ki67 (AKYP0126)-BX047 for PhenoCode SignatureCATALOG # S6501006Components 240232 Anti-Hu Ki67 (AKYP0126)-BX047 PCSD047 HRP-HX047 PhenoCode™ Signature Detector

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Anti-Hu Ki67 - 2

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET | Antibody for PhenoCode Signature Anti-Hu Ki67 (AKYP0126)-BX047 for PhenoCode Signature CATALOG # S6501008 Anti-Ki67 is a nuclear protein that is expressed in proliferating cells. The following images compare the performance of antiKi67 as a barcoded primary antibody and as an unconjugated primary antibody. Comparisons are provided in human FFPE lung cancer and human FFPE tonsil tissues. Human FFPE Lung Cancer A Human FFPE Tonsil C A. Barcoded anti-Ki67 paired with Opal 780 was used in the PhenoCode Signature Activated TIL Status Human Protein Panel on lung cancer...

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