Allegion Lockcase Brochure
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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 1

ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE Lockcases Keeping people safe and secure where they live, work and visit.

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 2

Lockcases - ntroduction ive solutions ror commercial and residentia applications The basics of mechanical locking For most doors, particularly internal doors, a mechanical lockcase represents the most effective and direct means of providing privacy and security for commercial applications, and for all residential applications. Mechanical locks fall into three principal categories: ■ Mortice cylinder locks & latches ■ Mortice lever locks & latches ■ Rim/surface mounted locks & Cylinder lockcases The use of cylinder lockcases in commercial applications is widespread, offering the...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 3

CE Mark explained Mechanical locks and latches intended for use on fire/smoke control doors are covered by the harmonised standard EN 12209 which sets out the requirements for testing and classifying locks suitable for CE marking in accordance with the Construction Products Regulation. We recommend the use of a CE marked lockcase is the best way of ensuring the product you are using is fit for purpose and meets all legal requirements, particularly when used on fire doors. Locks on escape routes Locks fitted to doors which are on a defined emergency escape route must also be tested in...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 4

ALLEGION Feature LOCK TYPE Briton Briton Briton Briton 5600 Series 5500 Series 5400 Series 5200 Series Mortice cylinder Mortice cylinder Mortice cylinder Mortice cylinder lockcases lockcases lockcases lockcases CISA Legge Legge Legge HD Series BS Series Locks & Latches Rim Locks Mortice cylinder Mortice lever Mortice locks and Rim locks and lockcases lockcases latches latches Feature LOCK TYPE Performance Level Performance Level Lockcase mounting Dimensional co-ordination to DIN18251 CE marked Fully tested to EN12209 Fully...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 5

5600 Series - Euro Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 5-4) Nightlatch - 5650.R & 5650.S ■ Nightlatch operated by a half set of levers to retract the latchbolt from inside. ■ Single cylinder on the outside operates the latchbolt with a single key turn. ■ Latchbolt is automatically locked by the anti-thrust latch. ■ Escape lock with split follower ■ Latchbolt withdrawn by lever from both sides. ■ Split follower function enables deadbolt & latchbolt to be withdrawn simultaneously by inside lever handle. ■ Easily reversible escape mechanism. Strike plates as supplied 25 Product Ref:...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 6

ortice Lockcases wv ALLEGION 5500 Series - Euro Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 5-4) Deadlock - 5510.R & 5510.S ■ Euro profile cylinder deadlock. ■ For use on doors without lever furniture. ■ 22mm single throw deadbolt*. (AG0001) Sashlock - 5520.R & 5520.S ■ Euro profile cylinder sashlock. ■ For lockable doors with lever handles to retract latch. ■ 22mm single throw deadbolt*. Cylinder to latch function will retract the deadbolt and latch. (AG0002) Bathroom Lock - 5530.R & 5530.S Bathroom sashlock. For use on bathroom doors and those requiring a privacy function. ■ Latch retracted by lever...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 7

ortice Lockcases wvALLEGION 5500 Series - Euro Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 5-4) all other dimensions as for 5520 Bathroom Deadlock - 5535.R & 5535.S ■ Bathroom deadlock. ■ 10mm throw deadbolt thrown and retracted by thumbturn & emergency release (8mm turn follower). (AG0212) Nightlatch - 5550.R & 5550.S ■ Cylinder nightlatch with hold-back function. ■ Lever operation from inside to withdraw latchbolt. ■ Cylinder operation from outside to withdraw latchbolt. Snib on forend operates hold-back function. Escape Sashlock - 5560.R & 5560.S ■ Escape sashlock to EN179. ■ Lever operation of...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 8

Mortice Lockcases 5400 Series - Euro Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 4) 93 (5410 without latch and follower) The Briton 5400 Series is a contract Features & Benefits Testing & Certification quality, euro profile cylinder mortice Grade A AISI 430 stainless steel single piece forend and strike Radiused and square forends are 60mm backset and 72mm centres [78mm bathroom centres] Fire tested to EN1634 on timber doors to achieve a 2 hour fire rating, and 4 product code. hour for steel doors. Supplied with matching strike plate. Please note, when installing this product to a fire resisting...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 9

5400 Series - Euro Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 4) Product Ref: Function/description CE Classification 5410 Euro profile cylinder deadlock 3M810F2BC00 5420 Euro profile cylinder sashlock 3M810F2BC20 5430 Bathroom lock - 8mm bathroom turn follower 3M810F-B020 Add suffix .R or .S to product code for Radiused or Square forend and strike plate 5500IP Intumescent pack for use with all 5400 Series lockcases 5400.013 Standard round strike plate for 5410 deadlock 5400.014 Standard square strike plate for 5410 dealock 5400.009 Standard round strike plate for...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 10

Mortice Lockcases 5200 Series - Dual Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 3) The Briton 5200 Series is a contract Features & Benefits Testing & Certification quality, mortice lockcase range Grade 304 stainless steel forend cover plate and strike Radiused and square forends are Fire tested to EN1634 on timber doors to achieve a 90 minute fire rating, and product code 4 hour for steel doors. Supplied with matching strike plate Please note, when installing this product to a fire resisting timber door the which can be used with euro profile or oval profile cylinders. The Series offers the most...

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Allegion Lockcase Brochure - 11

5200 Series - Euro Profile Mortice Lockcases (Level 3) 5200 Series - Rebate Kits ■ Euro profile cylinder deadlock. ■ For use on doors without lever furniture. ■ 13mm deadbolt is thrown with a single turn of the cylinder1. Euro profile cylinder sashlock. For lockable doors with lever handles to retract latch. 13mm single throw deadbolt1. Bathroom sashlock. For use on bathroom doors and those requiring a privacy function. Latch retracted by lever handles 13mm throw deadbolt thrown by thumbturn & emergency release (5mm turn follower). Product Ref: To Suit Lockcases Rebate Size Finishes...

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