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Allium Ltd. 2 Ha-Eshel St., P.O.Box 3081 Caesarea Industrial South Park 38900, ISRAEL Tel: 972-4-6277166 Fax: 972-4-6277266 E-mail: info@allium-medical.com www.allium-medical.com AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE MEDNET GmbH Borkslrasse 10 D-48163 Munster Germany
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Unique Anchoring Segment Non-shortening to ensure easy and accurate placement Endoscopic and Percutaneous Trans-hepatic Insertion High Radial Force to mantain lumen patency Self-expanding to dilate even tight stenoses Fully Covered to prevent tissue ingrowth Atraumatic Ends Single-wire Construction Shape-memory Alloy (nitinol) Radiopaque Markers at both ends Removable even after long indwelling periods Excellent Flexibility for optimal comformability Images courtesy of Prof. Z. Markovic Belgrade - Serbia
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