Catalog excerpts

Biliary Stents It is a fully covered flexible stent with a high-radial force and large caliber body, clinically designed to fit the anatomy The BIS is used for managing chronic Common Bile Duct (CBD) obstructions to open occluded passages and allow intra-luminal flow during its long indwelling period. The stent has a large caliber, high radial force main body, and is specially designed to reduce the possibility of migration, reflux and development of reactive proliferative tissue at its ends. It's unique features enable the physician to easily and safely remove the stent whenever ne
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Biliary Stents Key Benefits 1. Unique Coating - fully covered by a polymeric coating designed to prevent tissue in-growth into the lumen as well as reduce encrustation, stone formation and calcification. 2. Reduced Migration - designed with an intraduodenal anchor to decrease upward migration. 3. Easy and Safe Removal - stent is retrieved by unraveling it into a thread-like strip. 4. High Flexibility - extremely flexible to ensure minimal irritation and maximum patient comfort. 5. Easy Placement - radiopaque markers on the stent allow for insertion under vision and/or fluoroscopy for accurate...
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