Catalog excerpts

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THE Q-SWITCHED LASER ADVANTAGE The Q-Switched Laser The high powered Q-switched laser is the most effective method for removing natural or artificial pigmentation, while minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissue. ALMA-Q’s fractional capabilities further extend the potency of the Q-switched laser, opening the door to additional treatment possibilities, including challenging skin imperfections associated with aging. 2. Due to photoacousric effect pigment particles are selectively fragmented ALMA-Q delivers photo acoustic shockwaves to the 3. Fragmented pigment particles are carried...
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THE Q-SWITCHED LASER ADVANTAGE APPLICATORS Focus Long Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser (LP) Maximizing the potential of the 1064nm wavelength, ALMA-Q also offers the Long-Pulsed Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of vascular lesions, malformations and deep veins. The extended duration of the long-pulsed 1064nm laser affords deep penetration and powerful heating, facilitating treatment of deeper lesions that cannot be targeted by shorter wavelengths. The Quasi-Long Pulsed Nd:YAG laser generates submillisecond pulse widths at a high repetition rate of 5Hz to provide both skin rejuvenation and microvascular...
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INDICATIONS Pigmented Lesions Tattoo Removal ALMA-Q is highly effective for treating various degrees and depths of pigmented lesions as well as melasma. The high power Q-switched Nd:YAG 1064nm laser treats deep pigmented lesions, while the monochromatic 532nm wavelength addresses superficial pigmented lesions. The treatment mechanically breaks up the melanin in the lesions without causing thermal damage, revealing lighter, unblemished skin. Successful multi-color tattoo removal requires a high powered laser that can deliver enough energy within the absorption spectrum of a wide range of...
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ALMA-Q SPECIFICATIONS Wavelength Spot Size Pulse Duration Repetition Rate Operation Mode Single pulse 1050 mj Up to 10Hz Double pulse 1800mj Single pulse: 450mJ Double pulse: 700mJ 7nsec Single pulse: 20mJ/pixel Double pulse: 32mJ/pixel Maximum Pulse Energy Double pulse: 620mJ Single pulse: 280mJ Up to 2Hz Double pulse: 400mJ Single pulse: 180mJ Alma Lasers GmbH Brochure not for distribution in the US and Canada. Nordostpark 100-102, 90411 Nuremberg, Germany Tel. + 49 911 / 89 11 29-0 Fax + 49 911 / 89 11 29-99 Email: info@almalasers.com www.almalasers.com PBAP24011606_04 © 2020 Alma...
Open the catalog to page 5All Alma Lasers catalogs and technical brochures
Product Brochure 2016
2 Pages
Legato II
8 Pages
Accent Prime
8 Pages
Harmony XL PRO
16 Pages
5 Pages
Soprano ice platinum
4 Pages
SweatX My Fresh Start
6 Pages
2 Pages
Harmony LITE
2 Pages
Harmony XL
9 Pages
4 Pages
Legato Treatment Results
37 Pages