Catalog excerpts

ALN Technical Sheet – Export – ALN Vena Cava Filter Optional filter: definitive and/or temporary ALN Vena Cava Filter is an optional Filter intended to be retrievable at any time. Used for the prevention of thrombus migration since 1991*, the ALN Filter has proved its clinical effectiveness thanks to its special design. This Filter is conical with two different levels: 1 The upper level or Anchoring level is comprised of the six shortest struts. Their distal tip is curved in a hook shape allowing an active anchorage. 2 The lower level or Centering level has the three longest struts. Two of them have the flaked tips, which reduce the traumatic risk on the wall. The last strut has a loop allowing to push the filter during femoral implantation. All struts have different length, which avoid their intertwining during the introduction. Made of 316 LVM stainless steel, the ALN Filter is nonmagnetic and MRI conditional. Because the struts are crimped (without welding), the risk of break is reduced. The ALN Filter has an excellent corrosion resistance and provides a minimal turbulence blood flow. The ALN Vena Cava Filer is 55 mm high and weighs less than 1 g. The ALN filter is suitable for vena cava with a diameter up to 32 mm. (CE mark) 3 approaches routes are possible: Jugular, Femoral, Popliteal and Brachial For each route, ALN Filter is sold in its deployed shape (not strained to avoiding the risk of non-opening during the procedure). The kit is comprised of a 7F introducer sheath with radiopaque marker band, a dilator , a pushing catheter, a puncture needle and a J-guidewire. Jugular Route & Brachial Route Femoral Route & Popliteal Route * ALN Filter was invented in 1991 as a permanent filter under the name of « Vascor ». In 1999, ALN Filter became Optional. Prevention of Pulmonary Embolism
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Optional Filter: definitive and/or temporar Approaches Implantation: Diagrams Antiqrade: Jugular FJ. 120096 or Brachial FB.010500 1 T h s h s a 3 c f th s f i Its - ■■■■ l st b s c I s ce c j ust bEl ow th s lowest renal vein.The tp sf th e mar<Er band mustbs b.bcm below thE lowest renal veil 2 Gently irElE-asE the filter by pullingthE introducer shEath upwards alon-g thE pushEr cathetEr. 1 T h e h Ea d ijf th s f i ItEf m ust b s pi a ced j List below th e I a WESt rEn a I vein. T hs ti p sf th e mother band must bs just below the IswEst renal ven. 2 Gently irElEasEthEfiltEr by pullingthE...
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ALN Technical Sheet ALN Vena Cava Filter Optional Filter: definitive and/or temporary □ Permanent or temporary prevention of pulmonary embolism □ 4 approaches routes: jugular, brachial, femoral and popliteal □ MRI Compatibility □ CE Mark 0459 □ FDA Approval (Except popliteal route - approval in progress) Optional ALN Vena Cava Filter is sold with; S The ALN filter in its holder S an Introduction system (dilator, introduction sheath and pushing catheter) S a Puncture needle S a J-Guidewire Anchorage struts (6) Little hook at the tip Prevention of Pulmonary Embolism Ain implants chirurgicaux
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ALN Vena Cava Filter Optional Filter : definitive and/or temporary Introduction Kit of the ALN Vena Cava Filter Approaches Routes Product Code Screw with a Luer-Lock system : perfect blinding Screw with a Luer-Lock system : perfect blinding Screw with a Luer-Lock system : perfect blinding Screw with a Luer-Lock system : perfect blinding Filter Holder Polyethylene HD Multibase ABS Introducer Sheath & Filter Holder Introducer System : Dilator in the Introducer Sheath Introducer Sheath Pushing Catheter Radiopaque marker band No haemostatic valve Length : 600 mm Puncture Needle Stainless 304...
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The ALN Removal Kits
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