Group: Demant Group
Catalog excerpts

Noise-reducing enclosures Industry-leading audiometric enclosures designed to ensure accurate pure tone screening audiometry testing in conditions where ambient noise becomes too high for unshielded earphones. Key features Industry leading attenuation levels Allows audiometry to be completed in high ambient noise Invaluable when an audiology booth is not available Considered design Incorporating a fully articulated earphone suspension system ensures that earphone cushions are able to locate against pinnas of all shapes, while at the same time audiocup cushions enclose the external ear to exclude background noise. Performance These noise-reducing enclosures are designed to provide unique noise attenuation to assist in accurate audiometry measurements when compared to standard audiometry headsets. Additional attenuation when an audiology booth is available Articulated suspension of the earphone provides an accurate and comfortable fit Easily fitted to any TDH 39 type earphone No requirement to recalibrate after fitting Please note: image shows complete headset with fitted transducers. Audiometry threshold measurements should be recorded in accordance to the maximum stated ambient noise levels advised in ISO 8253-1:2010. The perfect add-on Our Audiocups are the perfect add-on to a standard air conduction headset such as the RadioEar DD45, Telephonics TDH39 and TDH49 transducer and are easily retrofitted in the field without the need for recalibrating your audiometer. Visit www.amplivox.com/audiometry/audiocups to learn more about the features and benefits of the Audiocups
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Technical specifications Noise-reducing enclosures Attenuation Standard equipment The attenuation provided using TDH39 earphone with MX41/AR ear cushions within an audiocup headset is shown below: • Headband, headband cover and red and blue ear shells with inner ear cushion Optional equipment • Headset lead • TDH39 or DD45 earphones with inner ear cushion • Disposable large ear cushion covers Dimensions Material: Audiocups can be supplied as noise-reducing enclosures to fit existing earphones or as a complete headset with fitted transducers, cushions and headset lead. The addition of...
Open the catalog to page 2All Amplivox catalogs and technical brochures
Model 270+
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