Group: Oxford Instruments
Catalog excerpts
an Oxford Instruments company Kymera 193i Imaging spectrograph Intelligent, modular and compact spectrograph for Physical and Life science P Adaptive Focus (patented) P Dual-grating turret with RFID p Dual detector outputs p |j-Manager software for microspectroscopy p p Compact and easy to integrate P Raman p Luminescence p Absorption p Non-linear optics p Transient spectroscopy p Micro-spectroscopy p Material Science p Chemistry p Biomedical p Plasma Studies
Open the catalog to page 1193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company 1 Dual Exit Ports Versatile and flexible configurations for wide range of spectroscopy measurements. Dual port setups include various combinations of: • CCD cameras for UV, Vis and NIR spectroscopy • ICCD cameras for UV to NIR and Time Resolved measurements • Single Point Detectors (SPDs) for scanning spectroscopy solutions from UV to SWIR • SPDs for time resolved, lifetime measurements • Exit slits for monochromator tunable light source • Fiber coupling to deliver output light/signal to another...
Open the catalog to page 2193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company Features and Benefits Benefit
Open the catalog to page 3193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph Step-by-Step System Configuration How to customize the Kymera 193i: Resolution & band-pass Side Output 2nd output port configuration Direct Output Chassis configuration Input light coupling interfaces Side input Chassis configuration a) Select combination of input and output ports (see page 5 for available options). b) Select type of optics coating required (aluminium + MgF2 is standard, protected silver coated optics available on request for NIR detection). c) Select purge port option (for improved detection down to 180 nm), and...
Open the catalog to page 4193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company Step 1 - Chassis Configuration Ordering InformationOptics Coatings Reflectivity Graph Standard systems use Al + MgF2 optics. Protected silver optics are also available on request for maximum efficiency in the NIR region -recommended for working with Andor iDus InGaAs detectors or IR single-point detectors, such as MCT, PbS and InSb. When choosing protected silver coatings, it is strongly recommended to also order protected silver coated gratings for maximum efficiency throughout the system....
Open the catalog to page 5193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company Step 2a - Choosing The Right Platform vs Dispersion Requirements Green Aberration-free region Orange Possible impact on system resolution Red Likely impact on system resolution Czerny-Turner spectrographs are designed to provide the best optical performance for a range of grating angles as reflected on the green parts of the graph above. Outside this range, the spectral lines may exhibit a degree of optical aberration (such as coma), which will become more prominent at the steeper angles. These...
Open the catalog to page 6193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company Step 2b - Choosing The Right Grating vs Resolution and Band-pass The Kymera 193i features a dual grating turret, designed to offer flexibility and control over your choice and interchange of gratings. The dual grating turret can be easily and speedily removed, and replaced by an alternative turret with new gratings. The intelligent design of the 193i means that only a simple offset adjustment is required once the new turret and gratings are added. The 193i is shipped with the grating turret already...
Open the catalog to page 7193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph Step 2c - Selecting The Correct Grating Efficiency Option All graphs shown below represent efficiency for 45° polarisation 150 l/mm - Ruled Efficiency (%) ciency Efficiency (%) ciency Efficiency (%) ciency Efficiency (%) ciency Efficiency (%) ciency Important Consideration System throughput is dependent on the grating’s angle of operation and may decrease with higher grating operating angles.
Open the catalog to page 8193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph Step 3 - Selecting The Correct Light Coupling Interfaces Side input port (applicable to all models) How to customize the Kymera 193i (Side Entrance Port): Spacer (Standard) Fixed FC Fibre Adapter (SR-ASM-8011) Fixed SMA Fibre Adapter (ACC-SR-ASM-8003) X Adjustable Fibre Adapter, Ferrule Input (SR-ASM-8006) Fixed Fibre Adapter, Ferrule Input (SR-ASM-8001) Filter Wheel Assembly (ACC-SR-ASZ-7005) Motorized Slit Assembly•13 (SR-ASZ-0035) inc 6 x 4 mm (W x H) Cover Plate Neutral Density Filters•12 Long Pass Filters•12 Short Pass...
Open the catalog to page 9193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company Step 4 - Cameras and Output Port Flanges How to customize the Kymera 193i: Side Output Port (Applicable to B models) Manual Adjustable Slit Assembly*13 (Standard) inc 6 x 4 mm (W x H) Cover Plate Output Port Motorized Slit Assembly*13 (SR-ASZ-0036) inc 6 x 4 mm (W x H) Cover Plate X-Y Adjustable Fibre Adapter (See page 11 Section B: Direct X-Y fibre couplers) iStar Support Bracket (optional, MFL-SR2-ISTAR-SIDE) Direct Detector Output Port Cover Plate for Cover Plate for Manual Adjustable Slit...
Open the catalog to page 10193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph ANDOR an Oxford Instruments company A: Slit CoversCover Plate Apertures for Motorized SlitCover Plate Apertures for Manual Slit Part No. FC upgrade: ACC-FC-DIRECT-APT FC/APC upgrade: ACC-FCAPC-DIR ECT-APT SMA upgrade: ACC-SMA-DIRECT-APT FC upgrade: ACC-FC-SLIT-APT SMA upgrade: ACC-SMA-SLIT-APT Ferrule upgrade: ACC-FERRULE-SLIT-APT Notes: • For connection to manual slits, please also order 027 mm slit cover plate SR-ASM-0100 • For connection to motorized slits, please also order 027 mm slit cover plate SR-ASM-0072
Open the catalog to page 11193 mm focal length, motorized Czerny-Turner Spectrograph Step 5 - Selecting A Software Option The Kymera193i requires at least one of the following software options: 1 - Solis Spectroscopy A 32-bit and fully 64-bit enabled application for Windows (7, 8, 8.1 and 10) offering rich functionality for data acquisition and processing, as well as Andor cameras, spectrograph and motorized accessories simultaneous control. AndorBasic provides macro language control of data acquisition, processing, display and export. 2 - Standalone Solis Spectroscopy GUI for standalone spectrograph operation 3 -...
Open the catalog to page 12All Andor Technology PLC catalogs and technical brochures
Zyla sCMOS
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63 Pages
Solis 64
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ikon xl 231
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zyla 5.5 scmos
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ixon ultra 888
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ikon xl 230
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2020 Neo 5.5 sCMOS
6 Pages
Multi-Wavelength Imaging
11 Pages
2017 iXon EMCCD
13 Pages
iKon-L HF
7 Pages
Shamrock 500 Spectrograph
13 Pages
Shamrock 750 Spectrograph
14 Pages
iXon Ultra 888 EMCCD
2 Pages
iXon Ultra 897 EMCCD
2 Pages
iKon-M CCD for Photovoltaics
6 Pages
Zyla 5.5 HF
8 Pages
Neo 5.5 sCMOS
6 Pages
Microspectroscopy Gatefold
8 Pages
iKon-XL 230
8 Pages
iKon-XL 231
8 Pages
Imaris Gatefold
8 Pages
Andor iXon Life EMCCD
9 Pages
25 Pages
High Energy Detection
28 Pages
Clara CCD
2 Pages
Spectroscopy Solutions
23 Pages
Neo and Zyla sCMOS Cameras
17 Pages
13 Pages