Catalog excerpts

Internal Brace Ligament Augmentation Repair Simple, Safe & Reproducible • Can be used as an augmentation to your Brostrom procedure • Used in acute and chronic ankle sprains
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InternalBrace Ligament Augmentation Repair Anterior Talorfibular Ligament - Technique Review Standard approach to a Brostrom repair to help augment the repair of the native ATFL ligament. With the foot in neutral position with slight eversion, find your landmarks on the distal fibula and the non-articulating ridge of the talus. Through your standard Brostrom repair incision, the InternalBrace is applied superficially, 1.5 cm proximal from the tip of the distal fibula. Drill a hole with the 2.7 mm drill in the fibula, angled slightly proximally, in line with the lateral border of the foot....
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Imaging and Resection Catalog
108 Pages
Archived catalogs
Arthroscopic Hand Instruments
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Foot & Ankle
138 Pages
Ankle Arthroscopy
11 Pages
Shoulder Repair Technology
114 Pages
Foot and Ankle
12 Pages
Hand & Wrist
64 Pages
Imaging & Resection
80 Pages
Hip Labral Scorpion
1 Pages
For Fracture Treatmen
8 Pages
Clavicle Plate and Screw System
12 Pages
A rthrex Graft Tubes
4 Pages
HTO Medial PEEK Implant
6 Pages
ACL TightRope® RT - LS0178
2 Pages