Catalog excerpts

HIGH SPEED LEAK TESTER FOR INDUSTRIAL QUALITY CONTROL F28+: the new innovative tester, made by ATEQ, elevates the leak test to a whole new level of speed, flexibility and accuracy. You can easily supervise it with a touch-screen panel + our user friendly interface: winateq 300. Adapted for manual, semi-automatic and fulled automated leak testing, the F28+ has a full range of specifications at a very competititve price. Highlights FAST AND FLEXIBLE DATA HANDLING EASY AND QUICK INTEGRATION Applications Packaging, blister, watch, mobile phone, pneumatic and hydraulic fittings
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Accuracy: Linearity + repetabiLity + hysteresis *OptionaL laboratory accuracy available Measurement Caracteristics Main Features • Differential pressure decay leak measurement: vacuum to 20 bar • Multi-test leak tester • 128 programs • Integrated fill and dump valves • Optional auto fill: Vaccum - 500 mbar - 5 bar - 9 bar (inside the module) • Flexible communication format: Bar code reader, RS232, USB • Date storage on internal memory or USB key • Modules network (ethernet interface) Options • 9 inputs / 5 outputs • Modhus, PLC (fieldbus) communications • Option Fieldbus: profibus,...
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