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Catalog excerpts

F620 - 1

F620 LEAK TEST INSTRUMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL QUALITY CONTROL After 40 years, and 150,000 testers installed in more than 5,000 customers worldwide, ATEQ presents its revolutionary leak tester: F620. New electronic module, new measurement module, new interface, new accessories... All has been made to improve your quality control. Inside is the latest leak testing technology that will guarantee you the fastest and most accurate leak testing cycle on the market. I-> LARGE COLOR DISPLAY -» MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE -» MULTIPLE COMMUNICATION Applications Automotive, domestic appliances, medical, aeronautic, defense, fluid and electrical components, food and cosmetic packaging...

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F620 - 2

Technical Specifications Physical Weight: 7 Kg PRESSURE DROP MEASUREMENT Accuracy: linearity + repetability + hysteresis ^Optional laboratory accuracy Interface Graphic coLor screen with simpLe and intuitive menu-driven operator controls SMART KEY: programmable key with user's functions Main Features • Differential pressure decay leak measurement • Large range of leak measurement (flP) F.S.: 50 Pa, 500 Pa or 5000 Pa • Mechanical or electronic regulator from vacuum to 10 bar • 128 programs • Setting on line (via USB) • 2 languages (English + other one) • Manual calibration on front panel...

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All Ateq catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Ioniq 6SW

    2 Pages

  2. Ioniq 20

    2 Pages

  3. B28

    2 Pages

  4. EVB 5100

    2 Pages

  5. H5800

    2 Pages

  6. H520

    2 Pages

  7. H6000

    2 Pages

  8. F670LV

    2 Pages

  9. F620LV

    2 Pages

  10. F670

    2 Pages

  11. F610

    2 Pages

  12. F6 CLASS

    2 Pages

  13. F28+

    2 Pages

  14. F28 LIGHT

    2 Pages