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Catalog excerpts

F620LV - 1

LEAK TESTER FOR LARGE VOLUMES F620LV is a breakthrough instrument able to leak test very large volumes (up to 200L) using a new patented technology (Based on Pressure Decay) thanks to the high sensitivity of our latest pressure transducer. Highlights FAST AND FLEXIBLE DATA HANDLING EASY AND QUICK INTEGRATION EASY NETWORKING DEVICES Applications Parts with very large volumes such as tanks, electrical car batteries...

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F620LV - 2

Main Features Measurement characteristics EASY CALIBRATION AND CHECKING “Accuracy: Linearity + repetabiLity + hysteresis “Depend on Volume and test time • 32 programs • Large Flow Valves for fast management of the parts • Fully integrated electronics and pneumatics • Flexible communication format: RS232, USB Environnement • ROHS standard • 9 inputs / 5 outputs • Optional FieLdbus: PROFIBUS, DeviceNet, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT network, Modbus RTU • 2 pneumatic outputs for automation • Clean and dry air required • Air quality standard to be applied (ISO 8573-1) Accessories • ATEQ...

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All Ateq catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Ioniq 6SW

    2 Pages

  2. Ioniq 20

    2 Pages

  3. B28

    2 Pages

  4. EVB 5100

    2 Pages

  5. H5800

    2 Pages

  6. H520

    2 Pages

  7. H6000

    2 Pages

  8. F670LV

    2 Pages

  9. F670

    2 Pages

  10. F620

    2 Pages

  11. F610

    2 Pages

  12. F6 CLASS

    2 Pages

  13. F28+

    2 Pages

  14. F28 LIGHT

    2 Pages